Friday, June 8, 2007

Another poll shows NC supports smoking ban

The N&O reported today on a poll released by the Tobacco Prevention and Evaluation Program at UNC-CH. Here are some nuggets:
  • "Of adults surveyed, 67.6 percent support a statewide law to eliminate smoking in all public enclosed areas"
  • "Of nonsmokers, 94 percent support tobacco-free policies in all schools. Among smokers, support was 78.4 percent"
  • "the UNC Survey Research Unit conducted telephone surveys with a random statewide sample of 251 North Carolina adults and a random sample of 277 adults in Johnston County. The results of the two surveys were weighted to be representative of North Carolina adults"
Complete results of the survey can be found here (PDF).

1 comment:

  1. That seems like a weird way to do a survey.

    For their results, the one question about less likely or more likely to attend an event, the results in the table dont match the results in the paragraph.
