Monday, July 9, 2007

Carolina Issues Poll

NC Policy Watch came out with a new poll today, conducted by Public Policy Polling. The survey is of 504 likely North Carolina voters and was conducted on July 5.

Click here for analysis.
Click here for press release.
Click here for complete results.
By Rob Schofield

Quick Take:

* NC Policy Watch, North Carolina’s leading provider of commentary and analysis on state public policy issues, released the latest edition of its Carolina Issues Poll today.
* According to the survey of likely voters throughout the state, North Carolinians strongly oppose a plan favored by state Senate leaders to cut income taxes on the wealthiest North Carolinians, but support extending the quarter cent sales tax hike first adopted in 2001.
* The poll also gauged voter attitudes on other state tax issues including an earned income tax credit and proposals to tax real estate transfers and realtor fees, as well as the issue of public subsidies for private colleges and universities.

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