Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Elizabeth Dole 43, Grier Martin 37

Results from our latest poll released today. Click here for complete results.
Elizabeth Dole 43%
Grier Martin 37%

Elizabeth Dole 43%
Kay Hagan 27%

From our press release:
“To compensate for the extremely low name recognition of state legislators, we added a short description of Martin and Hagan to the survey,” explained Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling.

Martin was described as a “37 year-old two-term legislator” and “veteran of the War in Afghanistan,” while Hagan was a “five-term State Senator” and “chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee.”

“Grier Martin, or his profile, does very well against Senator Dole,” said Debnam. “If he were to enter the race he could be even more competitive than other Democrats we have tested.”
More results:

Elizabeth Dole 46%
Elaine Marshall 35%

Dole Approval

Approve 46%
Disapprove 40%

Bush Approval

Approve 35%
Disapprove 61%

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