Sunday, May 4, 2008

Startling Poll

I'm a few days late on this but Daily Kos recently commissioned a poll from Research 2000 on the North Carolina Senate race that showed some pretty startling results.

Kay Hagan's favorable/unfavorable is 44/25. Elizabeth Dole's is 44/41. That is remarkable!

The horse race shows Dole leading Hagan 48-41 and Jim Neal 49-39.

Looking at the demographic breakdown of the poll nothing really stands out as a red flag so if Kay Hagan runs a strong campaign and her race becomes a money priority nationally maybe we'll have a more competitive race this fall than might have been expected.

In the crosstabs it's interesting to note that Hagan's net favorability- 21/43- is better among Republicans than Dole's is among Democrats- 26/64. I'm guessing a lot fewer Democrats will cross over and vote for Dole because she's a 'nice lady' than did in 2002.

The poll shows less good news for Democrats on the Presidential front- John McCain leads Barack Obama 50-41 and Hillary Clinton 51-39.

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