Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Michigan: Governor 2010

Dennis Archer 40
Mike Cox 33

Dennis Archer 41
Candice Miller 29

Mike Cox 35
John Cherry 30

Candice Miller 34
John Cherry 30

The 2010 Michigan race for Governor is a long ways off, and it's hard to know who of the many candidates mentioned will actually end up running. Nonetheless Dennis Archer appears to be the early favorite among the high profile quartet of John Cherry, Mike Cox, Candice Miller, and himself.

It's a somewhat surprising result given that Archer has not served in public office for six years. It's also been a long time since he held statewide office, where Cox and Cherry have for the last six years and Miller did for eight years before that.

It could be that the turmoil surrounding Kwame Kilpatrick is making Michigan voters look back favorably on the relatively tranquil and forward moving tenure Archer had as mayor of Detroit.

PPP will test other potential 2010 candidates in its Presidential polling of Michigan in the coming months.

Full results here.


  1. Will you be including any polling data that includes Congressman Hoekstra?

  2. Pete Hoekstra is my choice to lead Michigan. I am a Democrat but will no longer support those that allow 10's of thousands of illegal workers take jobs from Michigans citizens. Hoekstra has a solid record on fighting illegal immigration and we need someone that will stand up for legal workers in this state.
    Granholm has been a disgrace.

  3. At this point I'm not excited about any of the candidates that are going to run for Gov in 2010.

    I'd like to see a Progressive Party develop and I'd like for Michigan citizens to be able to say whom they'd like to see on a ticket. Let’s pick who we think will be for the people, and choose candidates who we believe will get into office and not allow special interests dictate to them.

    Myself, I'd like to propose a Hansen Clarke Gov, Geoffrey Figer Lt. Gov Progressive Ticket.

    Clarke is a well-educated and somewhat seasoned politician (Cornell & George Town Law School, father from Bangladesh, mother American). I think he's well know and has got a strong likeablilty factor and is viewed as trustworthy. Figer is a fighter, a self made millionaire, two things we need right now. I see these two as the ideal Good Cop, Bad Cop combo and a winning ticket.
