Wednesday, June 25, 2008

NC 10: the Congressional race

Patrick McHenry 49
Daniel Johnson 38

McHenry Approval:

Approve 45
Disapprove 31
Unsure 24

Daniel Johnson is keeping the 10th District Congressional race a lot closer than a Democrat has any business doing in this historically heavily Republican district. McHenry won his previous two elections by 24 and 28 points in 2006 and 2004 respectively.

It is also a good sign for Johnson that McHenry's approval rating is at just 45%, a significant decline from a PPP poll last August that showed it at 53%.

Johnson is running well ahead of Barack Obama and Bev Perdue's performances in the district, an indication that voters see him as a different kind of Democrat. Given that he is still not all that well known, those numbers are likely to improve as more voters learn more about him.

While McHenry's overall standing is relatively solid, this is definitely a race to keep an eye on in the coming months.

Full results here.


  1. Daniel Johnson has proven time and time again what public service is truly about, as opposed to its current representative.

  2. I think Daniel Johnson would do a great job of representing the citizens of our fair district. I also believe that he would not call a member of our armed forces a 2 bit security guard as current representative has. Our current representative has also done a poor job of representing the middle class in our district.
