Thursday, July 17, 2008

More stability in the NC polls

I wrote Tuesday that all NC polls are showing the same thing and today's new ones from Rasmussen continue the trend.

In the Presidential race they have John McCain up 45-42. That makes six polls in a row from the various pollsters doing the state showing the margin somewhere between 2-5 points.

In the Senate race Elizabeth Dole leads Kay Hagan 53-41. That makes five polls in a row now showing that margin between 10-14 points.

There's no Gubernatorial poll on today's schedule for Rasmussen but maybe that will come tomorrow. How much you want to bet it shows Bev Perdue and Pat McCrory within two or three points of each other?

A couple other things to note in these two polls. As many missteps as Mike Easley has had lately there are still half as many folks- 23%, who assess his job performance as 'poor' as there are who do the same for George W. Bush- 48%.

There's also continued evidence of the enthusiasm gap between Barack Obama and John McCain. Although McCain leads the poll overall, just 23% of respondents view him very favorably compared to 31% for Obama. Of course everyone gets the same one vote (hopefully!), so that's only going to do much for Obama if it helps translate into boots on the ground.

1 comment:

  1. Tom,

    The NC secretary of states has not published the new numbers for the voter registration this month?

    I don't understand why some states publish the numbers (Florida, Nevada) and others no.
