Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Florida Senate 2010

Mel Martinez Approval:

Approve 24
Disapprove 40

Bob Graham 51
Martinez 31

Debbie Wasserman Schultz 38
Martinez 37

PPP continues to find Republican Senator Mel Martinez with a paltry approval rating and a bad showing when matched up with possible opponents in 2010.

It appears former Senator Bob Graham would be a virtual shoo in if he was interested in reclaiming his old seat. It's not as crazy as it might sound. Barry Goldwater successfully returned to the US Senate four years after his losing campaign for the Presidency in 1964, and New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg was four years older in 2002 than Graham will be in 2010 when Lautenberg decided to return after retiring in 2000.

Graham leads with pretty much every demographic subgroup and holds Martinez to 56% even with Republican voters while holding a 58-20 lead with independents.

Wasserman Schultz leads Martinez despite never having run for statewide office.

Last month PPP found Martinez trailing CFO Alex Sink and tied with Congressman Robert Wexler in possible match ups. Based on his approval ratings and these head to head numbers Martinez figures to be the #1 target for Senate Democrats in 2010.

Full results here.

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