Monday, September 29, 2008

Your Florida Clue

This post could also be titled 'Palin is tanking everywhere.'


Palin Favorability

Horse Race



McCain +5




What's your guess? This will be out tomorrow afternoon.


  1. I'm going to field a guess and say that Obama is leading by 3 points, and if I'm right, you guys have to poll Utah just to be thorough :P

  2. this guy tom jensen is a prick,

    i hope they have Obama winning virgina, colorado, florida, and north carolina in their last poll before election day,

    that way when McCain wins this polling agency can go out of business maybe change its name like insider advantage did lol

  3. Hah, why is Tom J. a "prick"? Just because he gives you results that you don't like to hear, Mr. Anonymouse?

    PPP's reputation seems to be doing just fine, thank you very much.

  4. I'm guessing McCain +2

  5. McCain +2. The problem with the tease is that their is not enough information to gauge the impact of a 10 pt drop in Palin's favs/unfavs. Without something to measure against (for instance, when her favs/unfavs went from +10 to +5 McCain's lead went from +5 to +3) it really is nothing more than guessing blindfolded. At least with more info one could make a more educated guess, not so much with the limited info provided.

  6. Here is a guess that is NOT based on the tease but on a verified poll result PPP gave out today NC +2 Obama. I heard a noted specialist in Southern politics comment on how VA, FLA, and NC move in relation to one another as of 2008. Essentially, this expert said VA would poll 3 pts better for Dems than FLA and VA would poll 5 pts better for Dems than in NC. So since PPP pegs Obama at +2 in NC today, using this expert's formula Obama should be ahead in FLA by 4 pts.

  7. Obama +5

    Solely on the basis that Tom is clearly very pleased with himself (as are we all)

  8. I'd say Obama +2 based both on this hint and the earlier one that the economy has really moved up as the top issue by FL voters.
