Thursday, October 30, 2008

Late Night with PPP

Tonight we will be finishing field work on our final polls in Colorado, New Mexico, Michigan, Minnesota, West Virginia, and Oregon. The PPP team will be working through the night and posting each of these polls as soon as it is weighted and analyzed. So if you're an insomniac and so worked up about the election that you can't sleep at night we will help feed your addiction.

Polls will start going up roughly around 10:30 or 11 PM.


  1. NC Poll #'s today look good for Obama and Hagan!!

    CNN/TIME Obama +6
    National Journal Obama +4

    Ramussen Reports Hagan +6

    Tom, any surprises here?

  2. Yay! Finally, a pollster who works on my hours!

    I love you guys.

  3. Can you give us any hints?

  4. Well I'd say probably the most important thing in this set of polls is the Minnesota Senate race, and although we will not have final numbers until this evening, I do not think the Mason Dixon and Rasmussen polls released there over the last 24 hours are correct.

  5. why is michigan still on the list?

  6. Oh that's so cool, thank you. Please try to get them up before Zogby :) that way I'll be up.

    If you could, in your write up, could you note if there is any perceived shift in Tonight's sample vs the original few days via the Obama commercial last night? Just a blerb really might be enough to feed a meme... and get other pollsters to look for action from the 30M eyeballs.

  7. I'm heartened by Al Franken's little nugget. Thanks Tom?

    How many polls do you plan to release before the elections?

  8. We plan to release polls in 16 states between now and Monday.

  9. Oh that's great! and thanks for the quick reply and your great work!

  10. any hint on how CO is looking in presidential race?

  11. I'm waiting with dread. PPP was the first pollster to detect move towards Hillary just days before the Ohio/Texas primaries. Please bring us good news this time, Tom.

  12. Tom, man, I needs me some "Jawjuh" pollin'. Are you guys releasing numbers there soon?

  13. Georgia will be in the Sunday night/Monday batch when we release polls for ten of the most competitive swing states.

  14. Good luck with the overnight work - and thanks for keeping us all informed about what's going on
