Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Credit Where It's Due

Congratulations to Gary Bartlett and the North Carolina Board of Elections on another superbly run election.

Not only does the North Carolina SBOE do a good job of making sure things run smoothly at the polls, they're also a model for transparency in terms of how accessible and quickly updated things like voter registration statistics are.

If every state's elections were run as smoothly as they are in NC I think we'd have a lot more faith in the system nationwide.


  1. Boy, that's tough. It makes sense to look at the State Senate (roughly equivalent to a US Senator running for President). The problem, I'm not sure if any have the profile of Kay Hagan. After all, Jim Hunt was trying to get her to run against Liddy the first time. She may have been relatively obscure to the general public, but the state party leadership had an eye on her for a long time.

  2. Sorry - the above was meant for the Republican bench thread - not sure how it got here or how to delete it. I've copied it in the appropriate place.

  3. They are not perfect in terms of web availability, but they are pretty close to being the gold standard.

    Kudos to Gary and crew.
