Monday, November 2, 2009

Lassiter takes small lead

John Lassiter leads Anthony Foxx 50-46 in PPP's final survey of the Charlotte Mayoral race.

If Lassiter does indeed end up as the winner it will be his overwhelming support among white voters that made it possible. He leads 68-29 with them, up from 63-29 a week ago. Those numbers are a good deal more lopsided even than the McCain/Obama numbers in North Carolina. Foxx is up 86-12 with African Americans.

Not a lot more to say on this- the race is still within the margin of error and it's all going to be about who turns out tomorrow.

Susan Burgess, Edwin Peacock, Patrick Cannon, and Tariq Scott Bokhari continue to lead the City Council races with David Howard moving closer.

Full results here

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