Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Richardson's Fall

We're going to have our New Mexico poll results out starting tomorrow- perhaps the most interesting thing we found is that Bill Richardson has become one of the least popular Governors in the country, with 63% of voters in the state disapproving of him to only 28% approving. He's even in negative territory among Democrats at a 42/47 spread. How much is all of that affecting Democratic prospects for keeping the Governor's office? We'll tell you tomorrow.

Richardson's loss of popularity continues a trend of the 2008 Democratic also rans either going into the administration or having their political careers go downhill. Joe Biden is Vice President, Hillary Clinton is Secretary of State, and Tom Vilsack is Secretary of Agriculture. They're all doing fine. But Chris Dodd and Evan Bayh both had to retire once their prospects for reelection dimmed, these kinds of numbers suggest Richardson's days as an elected official in New Mexico are over for good (not that there's a clear opening any time in the future anyway with the state having 2 Democratic Senators), and John Edwards, well no explanation needed. Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel have largely returned to the obscurity they came from.

It's possible with the exception of Kucinich that none of the Democrats who ran unsuccessfully for the nomination in 2008 will win an election ever again.


  1. It's possible that the Democrat who successfully got the nomination will never win another election either. ;-)

  2. New Mexico Grassroots Democrats are sick of the corruption. There will be voter turnout in November to remove all incumbents that are not repealing the 2003 tax advantages for the rich and taxing corporations accordingly. Shame on the NM Governor and the Legislature for disproportionately taxing the poor and working poor. Taxing tortillas while the wealthy walk away unscathed. There will be a revolt.

  3. Dave sorry man, If Obama is polling where he is during this time period, Republicans really have no shot at beating him.

  4. If you're counting Bayh you might also count Mark Warner, who made moves toward a run then realized there was no space for a centrist candidate. And I'd bet money on him winning more elections.

  5. Actually I agree. Whether Obama is a good President is open to debate. Whether Obama is a good candidate isn't. Obama ran an amazing campaign and is personally very likable.

  6. Sean, if Obama is polling as poorly as he is while people still believe in a "recovery", then when reality rears its head Obama will have NO chance. If the Democrats were smart, they would primary Obama because he is a dead duck.

  7. Governor Richardson has professed his "love" for you. He's never heard of you, so you can't be right. Perhaps you should send him a list of all the Democrats you've worked for and he can just ask them.
