Saturday, February 6, 2010

Taking suggestions on three things

-We'll do our monthly 2012 poll next week- who should we test as the 4th Republican alongside Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, and Sarah Palin? We'll consider anyone except Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, and David Petraeus who we looked at on our last three polls. We'll take nominations and put it to a vote.

-Any good ideas for national question topics? The poll we did on what tv news outlets people trusted last month certainly generated some buzz...we just aim to be interesting and do stuff there aren't already a million polls out there on.

-And it's North Carolina time...I hate to be a tabloid pollster but we definitely have to look at John Edwards and see if he's managed to drop even further from a month ago. What else besides the standard things we survey every month should we take a look at this time around?


  1. 2012 Poll
    I would like to see:
    - Giuliani vs. Obama

    Edwards Question
    - Would you demand that Edwards resign from the Presidency if he has won the 2008 presidential election.

  2. 1) Tim Pawlenty

    2) Ask about which party is the most trusted - the Tea Party, Repubs, or Dems.

    3) Ask whether Elizabeth should stay with John, she has become a national figure on this with her comments

  3. Rudy Giuliani told a San Antonio reporter last month that he may run again in 2012.

  4. 1. Newt Gingrich (527 raised $6 mill. and is in New Hampshire)

    2. Possible questions:
    * Examine whether Democrats believe that Obama's tone has genuinely shifted.
    * The effects of Climategate. Whether climate change skepticism is alive and well.

  5. - Mitch Daniels or Haley Barbour
    - Do you think cutting government spending now will help the economy, hurt the economy or will it make no difference?
    - Null

  6. What about Mitch Daniels for the fourth candidate?

  7. Hmm how bout Ron Paul, Rand Paul and maybe umm oh, Ron paul !! That's sounds like the key to America's survival. The other clowns will execute nothing positive I asure you.

  8. Mike Pence
    Scott Brown

    Either would be good.

  9. You could use Gingrich, Jindal, or perhaps Haley Barbour.

  10. Would be interesting a poll for North Carolina finding the more popular democrats in way of last polls for Nevada and Arkansas. Including John Edwards, Mike Easley, Erskine Bowles, Berverly Perdue, Roy Cooper, Elaine Marshall, Mike McIntire and/or Heath Shuler.

    That would show the real weakness of Richard Burr senator.

  11. For the poll for president I vote for Pataki.

  12. last time Glenn Beck finished 2nd to Petraeus in voting and would be better cause he should have higher name recognition. This is also going to generate buzz from the media. I'd wonder who would come out on top

  13. off topic, but I would love to see an Indiana Senate poll - Bayh vs. Coats.


  14. Ross Perot would be a fascinating test.

  15. Poll using John Thune

  16. why will you not consider ron paul?

  17. 2012: Rick Perry, although I like the other suggestions of Giuliani, Daniels, and Barbour

    For the national question, I suggest you ask how supportive Americans would be of a regular Question Time like we saw last Friday.

  18. I think you should fix not Palin Huckabee and Romney, and prove more candidates for check faster the republican candidates.

    Or you can poll more people one month.

  19. Scott Brown for 4th Republican.
    Nat'l Question:
    What has the massive Toyota re-call and cover-up done to your impression of them?

  20. Presidential Competitors:

    1) Rick Perry
    2) Dick Cheney
    3) Haley Barbour

    National Question Topic:

    1) "Should President Obama replace Vice President Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket in 2012?"

    2) "Should voting for national office become compulsory?"

    3) "Should the North American Free Trade Act be repealed or modified?"

    and, because Obama has repeatedly mentioned that he would rather be an influential one term President than serve two mediocre terms (asked only of Democrats):

    4) "Should Obama decide not to run for reelection in 2012, who would you support as the nominee?:

    -Hilary Clinton
    -other democrat
    -other democrat
    -etc, etc, etc."

  21. Either Mitch Daniels, Paul Ryan or Gary Johnson.

  22. Its the time for the Dem Primary in NC.

    All of the usual applies:
    The primary is one of the first (its in May I think, so pretty quick compared to summer states)
    Is Cunningham making an edge against Marshall ?
    How is Lewis doing with the Congressional endorsement ?

    Ask how many people support a cap and trade bill.
    Ask how many people think Kay Hagan is a liberal/moderate/conservative.
    Ask how many people identify themselves as being part of the "tea party" (you can do this question for national as well)
    Ask how many people are celebrating Black History Month or know what it is.
    Ask how many people think Nancy Pelosi or Barack Obama are criminals.

    I agree with the above comment that you should poll some alternatives to Marshall. Is Cooper still close? How is Mike Easley and Heath Shuler doing?

  23. Out of the Box suggestion: Olympia Snowe as your 4th Republican

    A real suggestion: Glen Beck

  24. 1. 4th 2012 GOP candidate to poll: Scott Brown
    2. Possible national poll question: If forced to choose, would you raise taxes and cut the deficit or lower taxes and not cut the deficit?

  25. I love this poll question:

    "Possible national poll question: If forced to choose, would you raise taxes and cut the deficit or lower taxes and not cut the deficit?Possible national poll question: If forced to choose, would you raise taxes and cut the deficit or lower taxes and not cut the deficit?"

  26. 2012: Obama v Generic Republican with Hispanics, women, young voters, college-ed, independents. Without Bush (or a Republican Congress) to use as a boogyman and with a harsh economy, just how soft is Obama's support with key groups of the Democratic coalition? And how does the sagging support undermine the case for demographics favoring the Democrats?

    2012: Obama v Hillary? Obama v Dean?

  27. Scott Brown would get pounded because he supported govt run health care in his state.

    How about Jim DeMint?

  28. Although I am for Ron Paul, I know you do not want to poll him SO you may want to consider Mike Pence, Gary Johnson, Paul Ryan, Jesse Ventura

  29. I'd suggest Glenn Beck, Mitch Daniels, Barbour, Gingrich, or Thune. In that order.

  30. 2012 Fred Thompson

  31. 1) Obama v. Thune

    2) Will Health Care Reform pass?

    3) If you could, would you watch the John Edwards sex tape?

  32. 1. John Thune
    2. Will tax cuts fix the budget deficit?

  33. Oh no Ron Paul huh??

    Ok how about Ron Paul then?

  34. As for a fourth Republican, try testing out Lou Dobbs. Dobbs has been fueling suspicion about a Presidential run, and while most assume it would be as an Independent, it wouldn't be that crazy to go ahead and test him as a Republican.

    Also for Edwards, it might be good to test his ex-aide Andrew Young's popularity. Young's been trying to milk this story as a victim to the media, are people buying it?

  35. Jim DeMint, John Thune, Steve Forbes,
    Pat Buchanan

    in that order

  36. 4th President: Richard Burr

    National: DADT repeal (or approve/disapprove) support with crosstabs

    NC: DADT repeal support (same as above)

  37. Scott Brown is the obvious choice for 4th candidate (in my opinion).

    Please, for the love of God, poll NC-13.

  38. 2012: Beck could be interesting. I personally would like to see Mitch Daniels as well.

    National: Is Obama vulnerable to a credible primary challenge?

  39. 1)I think Santorum shoud be polled

    2)Is it better to cut taxes and maintain a budget deficit or raise taxes and cut the deficit down?

  40. * Brown V. Obama
    * Ask something like who do you trust more to represent you in congress, someone who has held office or someone coming from the outside with no Political background
    * Do all the Edwards questions you want, but check Heath Shuler's numbers for re-elect.

  41. eric cantor for 2012 poll

  42. Gary Johnson as the 4th candidate in 2012

  43. Um, for those wondering about ron Paul, PPP polled him two months ago. They are looking for someone different I assume in this national poll.

    What about jim demint?

  44. National poll question:

    The percentage of Americans who believe Saddam Hussein had a role in 9/11

  45. You might ask how people perceive Obama's handling of Haiti and if voters think the media have been more forgiving than they were with Bush/Katrina.

  46. Two suggestions for the Republican ticket: Fred Thompson and Michelle Bachmann. (Or how 'bout Thompson for President & Bachmann as VP)

  47. Tom, On the North Carolina poll, please ask about offshore drilling. Virginia is (apparently) pushing hard for lease sales, and I'd like to see how/if that impacts NC public opinion.

    SC Harrison

  48. 1) Mitch Daniels, 2) Mike Pence, 3) Paul Ryan 4) Haley Barbour

  49. Mike Pence or Marco Rubio
