Sunday, May 30, 2010

Coming tomorrow...

On Memorial Day we'll release 2012 GOP President numbers for the key early states of Iowa, Michigan, and South Carolina. Stay tuned for that.

Next weekend it's time for our monthly national poll and our North Carolina one so we're open to suggestions on the usual three fronts:

-Who should we include as the 'bonus' Republican on the 2012 Presidential poll? After scraping the bottom of the barrel for Gary Johnson earlier this month I'm open again now to including people we've done on previous polls.

-What interesting questions should we put on our national and North Carolina polls?

We'll have Iowa and Michigan numbers coming out all week.


  1. I think that you should use Ron Paul as the "extra" Republican. With him winning BOTH key straw polls and his son doing well in KY (Civil Rights controversy aside), we need to know how well a Libertarian like Paul would do.

  2. I'd love to see any of the contested Massachusetts districts or Alan Grayson's district in Florida.

  3. Tom, looking forward to your polls, as always, but, for the record, Michigan is not a key "early" state -- the four key early states are IA, SC, NH and NV.

    Question: Is SC 2012 a repoll or is this from the 2012 primary Governor poll you did last week but just never disclosed?

  4. Jan Brewer for extra Republican, after the Arizona immigration law or Bobby Jindal b/c of oil spill response.

    For the national question: How would you rate Obama's handling of the oil spill?

  5. I would limit it to candidates who will actually run in 2012 (so that wouldn't include Palin or Huckabee).

    I agree that it's useful to have a Paul-like figure in the running, but putting Paul himself there taints the results because people don't actually think he'll run again.

    I would poll Romney, Thune, Pawlenty, and a rotating fourth (maybe Daniels or Bush). Think how prescient PPP will look when people see it nailed the most likely GOP candidates more than 2 years out.

  6. Jensen, did you poll the dem gov primary of Bernero vs. Dillon. I rooting for Virg on this one.

  7. For a bonus, can't hurt, ask Dems if they would consider voting in '12 for someone other than Obama if someone challenges him in a primary. Would probably be a low percentage, but key would be if it's only the small amount (10% or so) of Dems that disapprove of his job, or it would be more.

  8. We now always poll Ron Paul for president.

    "Question: Is SC 2012 a repoll or is this from the 2012 primary Governor poll you did last week but just never disclosed?"

    This is part of the poll we did last weekend. We had a lot of questions in that one, so we'll have the president results tomorrow and results on Lindsey Graham Tuesday.

  9. Can you please poll North Carolina' 4th congressional district - BJ Lawson vs. David Price?

  10. I 2nd NC 4th Lawson vs Price

    You could poll Rand Paul vs Ron Paul 2012 President.

  11. An interesting "bonus" GOPer could be Chris Christie.

    As for a bonus nat'l question: Does President Obama's endorsement of a candidate make you more likely, less likely or has no effect when voting for a candidate?

  12. I'd also like to see Price v. Lawson. Lawson was able to get the most % a Republican had gotten in quiet a while in 2008, the year of sweeping Democratic victories in NC. It'll be interesting to see if there is even a chance he'll be able to pull an upset in 2010.

    Also, I'd like to see Rand Paul polled sometime in the future for President. Not because I think he'll run, but because it would be interesting to the compare father and son / unabashed rhetoric of Ron and the more mainstream rhetoric of Rand (aside from CRA).

  13. Well.. for a suggestion of GOP.. i'd say George Pataki, he had a chance to run against Gillibrand .. and didn't, i think most think he's saving himself for a presidential run but does he really have a shot? probably not

    Bobby Jindal.. he's in the news and his handling things in LA seem that he's popular

    and the one that makes all liberal's heads spin.. Jeb Bush

    I think the more likely outsiders are Pawlenty, Thune, Daniels or Perry... but they are less known and will poll with low numbers.

    if there's interesting districts to poll... I'd like to see
    the Grayson and Kosmas districts polled in FL

    If not a minnesota poll would be cool, Or even a Maine Poll.. (does anyone even know who's running in the maine Gov race? i don't even think 60% of mainers know lol)

    I'm from MA so i'd love the MA congressional districts but there is time for that ;)

  14. I would also be interested in North's Carolina's 4th district. It only has a PVI of D+8, so if it turns out to be a good year for Republicans this might get competitive, as your earlier poll showed in New Mexico's 3rd district.

  15. Glenn Beck or Chris Christie. (Along with Ron Paul and Gingrich, who should both be standard now)

    House race in NC: Lawson/Price (NC-4)

  16. I cannot fathom Lawson beating Price in that increasingly democratic district, even if it is a big GOP up-year. He lost by nearly 30 points in 2008.

    Still I would not mind a poll of the race in NC-4, if it is not considered a waste of resources or anything.

  17. I'd also like to see some polling for Lawson vs. Price.

    Interesting race going on there.

  18. It would be amusing to see a poll on a Crist vs. Obama 2012 Presidential run.

    Then we could see how much damage Crist's actually done to his political future by running as an independent.

  19. "I'd also like to see some polling for Lawson vs. Price.....Interesting race going on there."

    Interesting, how exactly? By if Lawson can maybe keep Price under 60%?

  20. They never win, but I still have hope: Rick Perry and Dick Cheney.

  21. Nationally I would ask about the Sestak situation, ask if Republicans are blowing it out of proportion or if the public sees it as an actual issue?

  22. North Carolina's 4th CD
    Pennsylvania's 15th CD
    Wisconsin 8th CD
    California's 8th CD
    New Mexico's 3rd CD

  23. Poll B.J. Lawson please.

    for the rEVOLution.

  24. Tim Pawlenty, Chris Christie, Charlie Crist

  25. We see the extent to which Newt Gingrich cuts into Mitt Romney's action among conservatives. Now it's time to measure just how much of the moderate Republican vote Rudy Giuliani would rip away from the former Massachusetts governor.

  26. With a huge grassroots movement gathering momentum and coming together right now under the radar nationally for BJ Lawson in the 4th district I would love to see polling done on Lawson vs. Price.

    I know it may sound hard to believe Lawson will take this race by November, stranger things are occurring around the country at the moment.

  27. Some of us BJ Lawson fans were wondering if you could poll the Lawson-Price race in North Carolina. He (Lawson) came rather close to defeating Price back in '08 despite it being a Democratic-leaning district. Now that this is the 'year of the Republicans' we're curious to see what his chances are.

  28. I'll nominate Rudy. Unlike a lot of potential Republican candidates right now he's well known enough for voters to have an opinion of him beyond "generic Republican."

  29. In North Carolina, it is crucial that you conduct a poll on David Price vs. BJ Lawson for the 4th district US house seat. This will be the most interesting race in the state, by far.

  30. Please clarify! If you want NC-4 polled, post once and not twenty times.

  31. Thank you for doing the early states. Looking forward to seeing the results.

  32. 17 requests for NC-4? All from the same IP address?

    Chris Christie is the Republican flavor of the month. Old flavors Jindal and Brown are out. I'd love to see you poll Paul Ryan. He won't run but I'd like him to.

    You may want to poll independents to find out if they're conservative, moderate, or liberal. Most Republicans think they're conservative. Most Democrats think they're moderate. What do indies think?

    You could correlate independents with who they voted for President in 2008 and who they'll vote for Congress in 2010. We know Dem Obama voters will vote for Dems and GOP McCain voters wil vote for Reps, but what about those that leaned left in 2008?

  33. "North Carolina's 4th CD...California's 8th CD...New Mexico's 3rd CD"

    I don't know about the other two districts you listed and I omitted here, but is this a joke? Nancy Pelosi's district? Lujan's district? These couldn't BE less competitive races listed. What a waste of PPP and everyones' time to poll any of these three races.

    "He (Lawson) came rather close to defeating Price back in '08 despite it being a Democratic-leaning district."

    Rather close? RATHER CLOSE? He lost by a nearly 30-point margin. Get real.

  34. To be clear I was asking for questions to poll, not races to poll. We are not going to do an NC-4 poll.

  35. i too would like either Chris Christie or Glen Beck to be the bonus repub

  36. How about a question on support for the medical use of marijuana? That's an issue that came up in the state legislature last year.

  37. " don't know about the other two districts you listed and I omitted here, but is this a joke? Nancy Pelosi's district? Lujan's district? These couldn't BE less competitive races listed. What a waste of PPP and everyones' time to poll any of these three races."

  38. For an extra name to poll, how about putting in a Democrat from the right of the party, like Ben Nelson, Evan Bayh, or even see if Lieberman's role at the 2008 RNC gets him any support? If moderate Republicans find the current set of options too extreme for their tastes, they might indicate it that way.

    For an extra question, how about "Do you expect the BP oil spill to personally impact your life?"

  39. NC-04 is not interesting. I agree with Tom. I'm a little bored with North Carolina polls and with the poll for the republican primary with current formulation. It seems always the same poll.

    For the national poll would be interesting for see:

    - A first question with all the candidates what sound in a complete list without limit the number (maybe 20 or 30 republicans at same time). This question is necessary because talk about the first choice.

    - And a second question with only the four or five candidates with better results in the question open to all of the poll of the previous month. This would be better than ask here about what candidate extra can be included in the poll.

    Iowa and Michigan will be more interesting, like California and South Carolina. I will continue waiting for VT-Gov, ME-Gov, NM-Gov and MN-Gov.

  40. Poll NC-4 - Lawson vs Price is a rematch, and in 2008 (a Dem+ year), Lawson posted the highest GOP results vs Price in Price's career. This year when it's GOP+, Lawson and Price could be within the margin of error of each other. It would be interesting to see.

  41. Extra GOPer: Chris Christie
    Other Poll: NC 4

  42. Guys, if you want to pool your resources and put your money where your mouths are, maybe NC-4 could be polled. But it's just not interesting or viable enough on its own to do an entire pro bono, public-interest poll for it. We tend to do entire states so we can poll several interesting races and questions at once and get more bang for our buck.

  43. I would like to see Lawson vs. Price in NC-4. I'm really curious to see how Lawson is doing right now.

  44. Bonus NC question ideas (although maybe these were asked in previous NC polls): would you support an immigration law like AZ? What is your level of support for drilling off the coast of NC?

  45. Sean,

    The Obama administration has committed a FEDERAL CRIME. Someone deserves to be investigated, subpoenaed, depositioned, tried, convicted, fine, imprisoned, and possibly impeached. Anyone who does not support investigating the criminal activity of the administration in offering bribes to Joe Sestak and Andrew Romanoff is clearly condoning criminal behavior.

  46. poll question:

    Do you support the recent actions by Israel to defend their homeland against attack by a flotilla of heavily armed terrorists and suicide bombers?

    "The ‘Free Gaza’ Flotilla had publicly insisted on their non-violent intentions, however their violent attack on the IDF soldiers was clearly premeditated. They had knives, metal rods, firebombs and other items ready to use.
    Many of the IDF soldiers were armed with…paintball guns."

  47. Are people aware of the links between Obama fundraisers and supporters of Hamas terrorists?

  48. NC-4 Let's see how BJ Lawson is doing against David "bailout" Price
