Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mongiardo in the lead

Dan Mongiardo has a solid lead heading into the final two weeks of the Kentucky Democratic contest for Senate, 36-27 over Jack Conway.

There is a large gap in how well known the two candidates are. A majority of likely voters for the primary still don't have an opinion about Conway one or the other, with 29% of them viewing him favorably to 20% with an unfavorable one. 64% know enough about Mongiardo to have formed an opinion of him with 37% seeing him favorably and 27% unfavorably.

There aren't any really large splits along demographic lines in support for Conway and Mongiardo. The state has one of the most conservative pools of Democratic voters in the country, with a third of them having voted for John McCain. But Mongiardo has identical 10 points leads among both Obama (41-31) and McCain (32-22) voters.

Mongiardo also leads with both men and women, whites and blacks, and voters of every age group.

Conway's not out of it with 27% of voters still undecided but he has some ground to make up.

Full results here

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