Thursday, May 27, 2010

Not much support on the homefront

Our polling is making it more and more clear: no one seems to want their home state politicians running for President in 2012:

-Last July we found only 27% of Louisiana voters thought Bobby Jindal should make a bid for the White House while 61% said he should not.

-In December we found 28% of South Dakota voters wanted John Thune to run for President while 55% did not.

-Also in December we found that in MN-6, the state's most Republican leaning Congressional district, only 32% wanted Tim Pawlenty to launch a national campaign with 50% opposed to the idea.

-And on our South Carolina poll this week there was only 15% support for a Jim DeMint 2012 campaign with 56% opposed.

It's hard to know what to make of these numbers. In the Jindal and Thune cases it may be an indication that voters want them to stay right where they are because they like them- they've posted some of the best approval ratings of any politicians in the country over the last couple years. Pawlenty and DeMint aren't all that popular though so voters in their states may just think they're not up to the task.

Voters also might be concerned that their politicians running for President could bring embarrassment upon their states. As someone who lives in the same county as John Edwards, I certainly can't blame them.


  1. can you poll Gov Chris Christie and Obama in your next poll? i keep hearing about people in other states wanting Christie to be their gov in their states or perhaps President

  2. @Anonymous,

    When Christie cuts government spending, ends government programs, and challenges government employee unions, who wouldn't want their governor (and their president) to be more like Chris Christie? Any smart politician would be cutting government spending, ending government programs, and telling government employee unions where they can go. Such a platform matches what responsible households are doing with their own budgets. Responsible Americans would demand nothing less from their politicians. Those politicians who stand with the people will cut the size of government.
