Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lynch improves standing

When PPP polled New Hampshire in April John Lynch was showing some signs of vulnerability, sporting only a 44% approval rating and polling under 50% against all of his Republican opponents. Our newest numbers indicate that may have been a false alarm. Lynch has rebounded to a very strong 52/36 approval spread and leads his potential foes by anywhere from 17 to 24 points.

The strongest Republican, and the front runner for the nomination as seen in yesterday's primary numbers, is John Stephen. He is still an unknown quantity to 65% of voters in the state though and the ones that do have an opinion of him aren't very charitable with 14% rating him favorably and 21% unfavorably. Lynch leads him 51-34.

The rest of the Republicans are even more obscure and trail Lynch by wider margins. 75% have no opinion of Frank Emiro and he's down 48-28. 77% are ambivalent toward Karen Testerman and her deficit is 52-28. And Jack Kimball trails 52-29 with 78% expressing no feelings about him.

Lynch's numbers are up across the board since the April poll. His approval's risen 10 points with independents from 44% to 54%, 6 points with Republicans from 20% to 26%, and 6 points with Democrats from 66% to 72%.

Lynch received 74% and 70% in his last two reelection bids. He's not likely to come close to that level again this year with Republicans voting in a much more partisan fashion. But he doesn't have anything to worry about either.

Full results here

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