Friday, August 13, 2010

Hackney's Standing

So far in 2010 PPP has polled on the approval ratings of 79 Senators and Governors across the country. Only 5 of them have hit an approval rating better than 50%: Governors Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Mike Beebe of Arkansas, John Lynch of New Hampshire, and Jack Markell of Delaware and Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland.

That 50% mark is extremely rare for a politician to reach in this political climate, but there’s a sixth person we found at that level in our polling recently: North Carolina Speaker of the House Joe Hackney. A poll we conducted for his campaign in his district Monday and Tuesday found his approval at 52% with only 36% of voters disapproving of him. Voters may be taking out their anger on people in leadership positions many places across the country but after 30 years in the legislature Hackney’s constituents know him well and they like him and trust him and that’s pretty immune to any shift in the political winds. His numbers put him firmly in the 90th percentile for popularity of everyone we’ve polled on in 2010.

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