Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Favre very unpopular

PPP's released some pretty surprising polls in 2010- the first to find Scott Brown leading in the Massachusetts Senate race, the only one to find that Christine O'Donnell was poised for a huge upset in the Delaware Republican Senate primary- so as the year comes to a close here's one more: Wisconsin hates Brett Favre a lot more than Ohio hates LeBron James.

The survey we conducted in Wisconsin last weekend found that only 26% of voters in Wisconsin now have a favorable opinion of Favre and that more than twice as many- 55%- view him in a negative light.

A poll we released in early September found that James is generally disliked in Ohio as well but not to this extent- 34% had an unfavorable opinion of him to 19% with a positive one.

Favre is disliked by every demographic group of the electorate in Wisconsin but the greatest animosity toward him comes from women, 60% of whom have a negative opinion of him with only 21% seeing him positively. Apparently his texting habits didn't do much for his image with women in the state where he was once a hero.

The biggest difference between Favre and James' numbers is with African Americans. White voters in their respective states give the two similarly dismal reviews but James is still very popular with blacks in Ohio, sporting a 58/16 favorability rating. Favre gets no such boost in Wisconsin, with African Americans giving him a 19/49 favorability spread.

It's hard to say whether Favre's unpopularity is more because he left the Packers or because of his recent personal issues- all we asked was whether people viewed him favorably or not- but whatever the case is he's gone from being one of the most popular people in Wisconsin to one of the least popular people in it.

Full results here


  1. Favre unpopular? What kind of screwball statistic are you pushing on the unsuspecting public? I have personally watched Brett play since highschool and if a picture of his $**@ tarnishes anything about the man it is his judgement toward beautiful women. He has set almost every single record available. I think your views need more substantiated reviews before you spout your big ideas on a public that thinks he might just be the second guy to walk on water. Thanks for my commentary. Adam Crawford

  2. I feel Favre is a TRAITOR!
    What the hell, he was bound and determined to "get even" with Ted Thompson because he couldn't get Packer management to let him choose the players they should acquire (Moss) and/or choose his own coach, (Mariochi).
    He wanted to run the whole show, I hope they reconsider and choose NOT to retire that number, at this point he's not deserving of it, and probably wouldn't even show up for the ceremony!

  3. Favre is a pompus ass!
    He is a TRAITOR! His ego is so big that the reason for all the BS. is to get even with Ted Thompson cause he wasn't allowed to name the next head coach and/or name the players that the Packers chose. Then he eventually found out just how great Randy Moss really is!
    I hope they do NOT retire that number (4), he probably wouldn't show up for the ceremony anyhow!
