Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ohio/National Question Suggestions

Ohio was the runaway winner in our vote on where to poll this week so:

-Who would you like to see us poll against Sherrod Brown?

-What other questions would you like us to ask besides stuff about the Senate and Presidential races?

The vote for who to include as the bonus Republican on our monthly 2012 poll is now up and running.

What other questions would you like to see us ask on the national survey?


  1. Drew Carey, seriously

  2. Trump is obviously not an option in the poll, and we just polled him last month. He lost by 14.


    Mary Taylor
    Jim Jordan
    Jon Husted
    Josh Mandel


    John Kasich Approval
    Union Approval
    SB 5 Approval
    Obama Approval

  4. I live in Ohio. How about someone actually do a poll on Senate Bill 5.

    Ask it first among all voters, then a breakdown among private sector vs. public sector workers.

    I think people will be shocked by how much the private sector supports this bill!

  5. I indicated in the previous poll thread that it would be interesting to see some questions on Libya, asking about support for intervention in general, and maybe separately about specific types of intervention, i.e., no-fly zone, bombing, selling arms to rebels, troops on ground, strictly humanitarian assistance, etc. Rasmussen's poll earlier this week asked about it, but only in general, vague, terms, so some more detail would be nice.

  6. Josh Mandel is the flavor of the month right now. Mary Taylor is probably running. Drew Carey would be interesting. I also would like to see numbers on someone like Ken Blackwell.

  7. You have to add a question about Jim Tressel given the controversy there. It also might be interesting to see how many Michigan fans there are in Ohio.

  8. Test Dewine again... it might make for an interesting trend (if there is a trend).

  9. Re: Other questions

    Is there any way to get a bead on the prevalence of nihilism across the political spectrum?

  10. american hero and all around hero scott walker is the only real choice, which is why the socialists will rig it so he loses to a rino

  11. - Agree with Libya questions. Also do an "Approve or Disapprove" of Obama's handling of the situation.
    - Do a poll "Is it more important to support democracy movements in the middle east, or is it more important to support dictators who are allies and keep oil prices low."

    - Poll what people think of Kasich and the collective bargaining bill; poll Strickland vs. Kasich again.

  12. Don't bother polling Drew Carey in the U.S. Senatorial election because he's likely under contract to host The Price is Right and I'm 100% certain that he or a spokesperson stated that he isn't interested.

    How about including Husted, Jordan, LaTourette, Mandel, & Taylor instead? I've read that they're potential candidates..

  13. I agree that S.B. 5 is very worthy of polling. I suspect that played a large part in the landslide for Ohio. The hope of someone polling S.B. 5 was why I voted for Ohio!

  14. I would like to know if Brown has a possible primary contender. If Kucinich were to lose his house district would he consider a Senate run against Brown?

    Another commenter mentioned Ken Blackwell as possible Republican candidate. I would like to see him run but I think the Rs need someone from the northern part of the state if they expect to get some votes in Cleveland. I don't think Cle will go for a Portman-Blackwell Southern OH team in the senate.

    Is there anyone in a lake Erie city who might run other than Mandel? I don't like to see these folks who haven't finished a term for a state-wide office running for Senate. For some, a lake-shore Senator would come in handy for GL Compact issues that may come up.


  15. Same as in Wisconsin...ask people who voted for Kasich if, offered a do-over, would change their vote to Strickland.

    Also, though poll responders may be coy about it, ask people IF they bothered voting at all in 2010.

  16. See how Brunner fares in a Senate race against the same Republicans you pit against Brown. Not that I'd encourage a Democratic primary fight...just curious.

  17. On the national poll, in light of Wisconsin, could you ask a question about voter enthusiasm? I know it is waaaay early, but it would be fascinating to see if the events in Wisconsin are having national effects.

  18. Josh Mandel the state treasurer as a Republican. Also, Brown votes like he's from VT. Ask what Ohio voters think about that.

    This might be a little controversial - Brown invoked the name of Adolf Hitler in condemning the state union attacks. Good? Bad?

    Also, John Kasich has refused to put any African Americans in his cabinet for the first time ever. A problem?

    Ohio is going to lose two seats in redistricting. Should redistricting be done by an independent commission?

    Dennis Kucinich approvals

    John Boehner approvals

    Support for collective bargaining

    John Kasich refused high speed rail projects. Ask what members of the public think.

    Do you think John Kasich's work at Lehman Brothers biases him against union/the middle class? Or something like that...

  19. Agree about asking who you would vote for if you could redo the Kasich vs. Strickland election. I live in Wisconsin and when your poll showed that Walker would lose to Barrett in a rematch, it got a lot of play on the wisconsin media websites. It was the point where democrats started to really have proof that they were winning.

  20. Against Brown: John Mandel, Mary Taylor, and Steve LaTourrette. You did Husted last time, and he's ruled it out. Jordan was also polled last time, and he seems unlikely to run. Of the people polled last time, only Taylor still looks like a candidate.

    National poll: Try the GOP primary without Huckabee. Maybe next month, try it without Palin, and then one month, try it without both.,

  21. Steve LaTourette for Senate. He represents a swing congressional district, isn't extremely conservative, and isn't a dyed-in-the-wool free trader which would blunt Sherrod Brown's populist image. Mandel, Jordan, and Taylor are other people that have been rumored to run.

  22. "On the national poll, in light of Wisconsin, could you ask a question about voter enthusiasm? I know it is waaaay early, but it would be fascinating to see if the events in Wisconsin are having national effects."

    We COULD do that, but there wouldn't be a comparison point to before the WI brouhaha.

  23. I think PPP should poll Jesus as an option, just to see where it goes. Imagine that tagline: "Jesus tops partisan picks for Senate"

  24. Oh I see, Baldacci was unpopular governor, but Walker can bid for president.

    Are you kidding us?

  25. Dustin,

    "We COULD do that, but there wouldn't be a comparison point to before the WI brouhaha."

    Couldn't we have a point of comparison be a voter enthusiasm question from before the 2010 elections? Does PPP have a data point like that from around the same time last year?

  26. "Couldn't we have a point of comparison be a voter enthusiasm question from before the 2010 elections? Does PPP have a data point like that from around the same time last year?"

    Sure, but that's not really a relevant comparison point when it was like 7 months ago, and asked about voting in that fall's election. It would measure the difference between voting then and voting now, but wouldn't say much about the impact of Walker's actions on the national stage.

  27. Senate: Husted, Mandel, Taylor, and LaTourette. Maybe Ken Blackwell or Jim Jordan if you can add more.

    Other questions: Strickland/Kasich re-do, Opinion on SB5, also ask how people would vote if SB5 goes to referendum. Also opinion on the "heartbeat" abortion bill.

  28. I would still like to see a question in your national poll on who primary voters' "third choice" candidate would be in the 2012 Republican Presidential primary. There's about a 50/50 chance that at least two of the current frontrunners (and top vote-getters) in the Republican Party are not going to run in 2012. I'd be particularly interested in seeing where all the votes go if both Huckabee and Palin decline to run.

    In Ohio, it might be interesting to see how many Ohioans would support redistricting Kucinich's seat out of existence, and if he would have any support in a run for another Congressional seat.

  29. In Ohio, ask how much an endorsement by Governor Kasich would help/hurt a GOP candidate.

  30. Mary Taylor
    Jim Jordan
    Josh Mandel

  31. Please add Tim Pawlenty as the additional candidate.

  32. I think it would be interesting to see how John Boehner's approval ratings are statewide. He's not running statewide, obviously, but does he have a higher profile or more support in his home state?

  33. I'm think the odds are better that Palin doesn't run. I would like to see what the GOP percentages are with and without her. Who gets her supporters.

  34. "It would measure the difference between voting then and voting now, but wouldn't say much about the impact of Walker's actions on the national stage."

    I think I am being vague, but I was wondering if there was any way to compare voter enthusiasm from March/April '10 to around now? I know we are about 1.6 years out of the '12 election, but could be interesting.

    If not, is there a way to see if any of those voters that sat out of the '10 election are now engaged to vote in '12?

    Thanks for getting back to me, too.

  35. How about asking people if they have a favorable/unfavorable opinion of Charlie Sheen? Seriously.

  36. I think a just Gingrich vs. Romney question would be interesting... where would Republicans go if they were the only two choices?

    (with it looking more and more likely that Huckabee & Palin won't run at all...)

  37. OH GOP Senate:
    Josh Mandel
    Jim Renacci
    Pat Tiberi

    OH Other:
    Repeal SB5 when on ballot
    Kasich approval
    Portman approval
