Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Pollster Profile: Braun Research

Our latest pollster to profile is Braun Research, which recently conducted a poll of Charlotte area residents for the Charlotte Observer and WCNC. Braun Research was established in 1995 and is located in Princeton, NJ. It is a marketing and public opinion research firm that conducts traditional telephone surveys, as well as, internet and mail surveys and focus groups. Paul Braun is the company’s President.

Before this poll I had never heard of Braun Research and there was very little information about Braun Research to be found by googling or by searching newspaper records. Their website has no client list. The company must focus on marketing research and do little political polling which would get picked up in the newspapers or campaign finance reports.

If anyone knows anymore about Braun Research, please let me know!


  1. Braun Research is engagned in the most annoying telemarketing (aka "consumer survey") telephone campaigns. I'm currently a nightly victim of their annoying calls, or worse hang-ups. Demands they block a number are ignored. They say its a "computer glitch" that causes the same number to be called nightly even after they have noted it DNK. The call center supervisors (if you can get one before the line goes dead) tell you they are not required to comply with FCC do-not-call lists because they do "surveys" not solicitations. And worse, once they have your number, they never stop! Google their name with "harrassment" and you see the links to all the complaints that date back at least two years!! They do work for everyone. Corporate America, Cities, Charities and now, get ready - Political parties and campaigns. With their unrelenting telephone harrasment, it's going to be rough election year for the folks that just want some peace at home.

  2. 台北,飯店,旅遊,住宿,民宿,hotel,餐廳,結婚,美食,台北,飯店,旅遊,住宿,民宿,hotel,餐廳,結婚,美食,台北,飯店,旅遊,住宿,民宿,hotel,餐廳,結婚,美食,台北,飯店,旅遊,住宿,民宿,hotel,餐廳,結婚,美食,台北,飯店,旅遊,住宿,民宿,hotel,餐廳,結婚,美食,台北,飯店,旅遊,住宿,民宿,hotel,餐廳,結婚,美食,台北,飯店,旅遊,住宿,民宿,hotel,餐廳,結婚,美食,髮型,美容,美髮,植牙,整形,造型,瘦身,減肥,痘痘,美白,髮型,美容,美髮,植牙,整形,造型,瘦身,減肥,痘痘,美白,髮型,美容,美髮,植牙,整型,造型,瘦身,減肥,痘痘,美白,髮型,美容,美髮,植牙,整形,造型,瘦身,減肥,痘痘,美白,髮型,美容,植牙,整型,造型,瘦身,減肥,痘痘,美白,美髮,髮型,美容,植牙,整型,造型,瘦身,減肥,痘痘,美白,美髮,髮型,美容,植牙,整型,造型,瘦身,減肥,痘痘,美白,美髮,傢俱,廚具,情人節,生日,服飾,禮品,贈品,寵物,禮物,花店,傢俱,廚具,情人節,生日,服飾,禮品,贈品,寵物,禮物,花店,傢俱,廚具,情人節,生日,服飾,禮品,贈品,寵物,禮物,花店,傢俱,廚具,情人節,生日,服飾,禮品,贈品,寵物,禮物,花店,傢俱,廚具,情人節,生日,服飾,禮品,贈品,寵物,禮物,花店,傢俱,廚具,情人節,生日,服飾,禮品,贈品,寵物,禮物,花店,傢俱,廚具,情人節,生日,服飾,禮品,贈品,寵物,禮物,花店,海鮮餐廳,花蓮餐廳,美食餐廳,好吃餐廳,美食玩家,美食,海產店,花蓮海產店,花蓮美食,海鮮餐廳,花蓮餐廳,美食餐廳,好吃餐廳,美食玩家,美食,海產店,花蓮海產店,花蓮美食,海鮮餐廳,花蓮餐廳,美食餐廳,好吃餐廳,美食玩家,美食,海產店,花蓮海產店,花蓮美食,花蓮海產店,海鮮餐廳,美食餐廳,好吃餐廳,美食玩家,美食,海產店,花蓮餐廳,花蓮美食,花蓮海產店,花蓮餐廳,美食餐廳,好吃餐廳,美食玩家,美食,海產店,海鮮餐廳,花蓮美食,花蓮海產店,花蓮餐廳,美食餐廳,好吃餐廳,美食玩家,美食,海產店,海鮮餐廳,花蓮美食,花蓮海產店,花蓮餐廳,美食餐廳,好吃餐廳,美食玩家,美食,海產店,海鮮餐廳,花蓮美食,花蓮海產店,花蓮餐廳,美食餐廳,好吃餐廳,美食玩家,美食,海產店,海鮮餐廳,花蓮美食,花蓮海產店,花蓮餐廳,美食餐廳,好吃餐廳,美食玩家,美食,海產店,海鮮餐廳,花蓮美食,花蓮海產店,花蓮餐廳,美食餐廳,好吃餐廳,美食玩家,美食,海產店,海鮮餐廳,花蓮美食
