Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Raleigh City Council: The Races

At-Large First Choice, Second Choice (Vote for 2)
Stephenson 20, 7%
Baldwin 16, 10%
Anderson 12, 6%
Williams 3, 2%
Tart 2, 3%
Best 2, 2%
Undecided 46, 69%

Russ Stephenson and Mary Ann Baldwin have a clear lead for the two at-large seats on the city council, with Paul Anderson a clear third. However, neither is anywhere close to the 25% needed to avoid a run-off. If everyone voted for two candidates as they are allowed, Stephenson and Baldwin would currently have the support of 13.5% and 13% of the votes respectively. A whopping 57.5% of the vote is still up for grabs.

District A
Craven 38%
McFarlane 25%

District B
Taliaferro 35%
Koopman 21%
Menendez 8%

Incumbents Tommy Craven and Jessie Taliaferro have the early lead, but are below the magic 50% mark, signifying that an incumbent is vulnerable. Maybe that doesn’t mean much in a low intensity election like city council. I do know that strong challengers Nancy McFarlane and Rodger Koopman have yet to begin their direct mail campaigns and there are plenty of undecided voters left to swing the election.

Click here for complete results.
I’ll have more thoughts on the rest of the survey later today.

Full Disclosure: I personally have donated and volunteered on behalf of Russ Stephenson and Nancy McFarlane.

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