Saturday, October 27, 2007

Rasmussen polls NC

Hat tip to boldlyblue on BlueNC for noticing this first. You can see the release here and the toplines here.

Below are most of the results except for the favorability rankings, which are in table format and I couldn't copy and paste easily tonight. I will post them on Monday with some analysis.

In the meantime, have at it:

1) How do you rate the way that George W. Bush is performing his role as President? Excellent, good, fair, or poor?
20% Excellent
18% Good
16% Fair
46% Poor
1% Not Sure

2) How do you rate the way that Mike Easley is performing his role as Governor? Excellent, good, fair, or poor?
10% Excellent
37% Good
33% Fair
19% Poor
2% Not Sure

3) In the 2008 Election for the U.S. Senate suppose you had a choice between Republican Elizabeth Dole and Democrat Mike Easley. If the election were held today would you vote for Republican Elizabeth Dole or Democrat Mike Easley?
42% Dole
50% Easley
3% Some other candidate
4% Not sure

4) Presidential Matchups

Clinton 43 Giuliani 44
Clinton 44 Thompson 44
Clinton 43 McCain 43
Clinton 46 Romney 41

5) When it comes to the War in Iraq, should the United States withdraw all combat troops immediately, bring the combat troops home within a year, or stay until the mission is completed?
22% Withdraw all combat troops immediately
33% Bring combat troops home within a year
41% Stay until the mission is complete
4% Not sure

6) Should North Carolina move its Presidential primary to an earlier date to play a bigger role in presidential politics?
39% Yes
43% No
18% Not sure

7) How much does it matter what date North Carolina chooses to hold its Presidential Primary
24% Very much
36% Somewhat
24% Not very much
8% Not at all
9% Not sure

8) In terms of how you will vote for President in 2008, which of the following is the most important issue?
24% Economy
21% War on Terror
18% War in Iraq
11% Immigration
9% Healthcare
5% Other
4% Environment
8% Not sure

9) How important is it for the government to improve its enforcement of the borders and reduce illegal immigration?
71% Very important
17% Somewhat important
8% Not very important
2% Not at all important
2% Not sure

10) How important is it for the government to legalize the status of illegal aliens already in the United States?
28% Very important
20% Somewhat important
20% Not very important
25% Not at all important
7% Not sure

11) Suppose North Carolina had to choose between deporting as many illegal immigrants as it can or accepting those who are here already but blocking more illegal immigrants from entering the state. Which would you choose?
53% Deporting as many illegal immigrants as it can
37% Accepting those who are here already
10% Not sure

12) State and local governments often use tax breaks and other economic incentives to attract businesses and jobs. Should governments offer tax breaks and economic incentives to attract businesses?
53% Yes
29% No
18% Not sure

13) Are tax breaks and other economic incentives offered to businesses Too generous or not generous enough?
52% Too generous
21% Not generous enough
16% About right
10% Not sure

14) When it comes to separation of Church and State, does government go too far in regulating expressions of God and faith in public, not far enough, or is it about right.
66% Too far
12% Not far enough
18% About right
4% Not sure

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