Wednesday, November 7, 2007

SurveyUSA does North Carolina

For the first time in an entire year Survey USA has conducted a North Carolina poll. Thanks to isabeladone at BlueNC for bringing this to my attention. See complete crosstabs here.

Their numbers are similar to ours in some respects but at other times are very different. Not sure why.

Republican President
32% Giuliani
21% Thompson
13% McCain
12% Huckabee
10% Romney

Democratic President
43% Clinton
25% Edwards
19% Obama

Democratic Governor
47% Perdue
38% Moore

Republican Governor
26% Graham
24% Smith
15% Orr

Democratic Senate
39% Hagan
31% Neal


  1. let's go guiliani!

  2. Why don't you include the only "real republican" in your polls? RON PAUL!!!

  3. let's go McCain! haha
