Monday, January 12, 2009

Our Polls about Voinovich

The surveys we did over the summer testing possible Democratic opponents against George Voinovich are particularly relevant now that he's announced he will not seek reelection.

Here are how six possible candidates stacked up in our hypothetical polling:

-Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner led Voinovich 42-38 when we polled her in July.

-Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher had a 40-38 edge over him in August.

-Congressman Tim Ryan was knotted up with him in a June survey.

-Columbus Mayor Mike Coleman trailed the Senator 39-37 in July.

-Voinovich held a 37-32 lead over Congresswoman Betty Sutton in June.

-Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson had the greatest deficit, 42-32, when we surveyed it in August.

PPP will go into the field with a poll later this week looking at the 2010 Buckeye State Senate picture in this post-Voinovich world. My initial thoughts are to test Lee Fisher and Tim Ryan against Rob Portman and...who? Suggestions are welcome.


  1. Roll Call suggested Ken Blackwell and Mike DeWine

    SSP is wondering about John Kasich

  2. Some outlets are suggesting State Auditor Mary Taylor

  3. Politico says Fisher is leaning against running. Apparently, Brunner (SOS) may be considering a bid though.

  4. I can't see Mary Taylor running. True, she's the only incumbent Republican statewide elected official, but nobody really knows who she is. At least that's my impression - I'd be interested to see any numbers supporting or refuting.

    I've been thinking about Blackwell, and it'll depend on how the race for RNC chair turns out. I don't see him giving that up to run for Senate, but I do see him running for Senate if he loses the RNC chair race.
