Thursday, September 3, 2009

On Deck

We're going to have a couple poll releases tomorrow.

One is on what Virginians think about the last five Presidents. We did this question in North Carolina a while back and I think it's really interesting so we're probably going to start doing it more often on our state polls.

A few key points:

-Republicans already claim to dislike Barack Obama more than Bill Clinton- that sure didn't take long!

-Among African Americans 31% say that Clinton is their favorite President since 1980 compared to 58% for Obama. That's a pretty strong statement about Clinton's continuing appeal in the black community- I don't think the primary campaign last year did a whole lot of damage to his long term reputation there.

We're also going to kick off the college football season with a look at who North Carolinians think will have the best and worst teams in the state this year:

-Duke wins the 'worst' honors by a big margin, no suspense there. Did I mention the sky was blue?

-The best honors are far more interesting- it's a toss up between the Tar Heels and a school you might not expect!

We'll have both those out tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. "Republicans already claim to dislike Barack Obama more than Bill Clinton- that sure didn't take long!"

    Tom, surely you have Republican friends (even in Chapel Hill) with whom you converse. Does this piece of data really surprise you? Clinton was a centrist to conservative Democrat and Barack Obama is a liberal Democrat. Who do you think Republicans would view more favorably?
