Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Palin Conundrum...

Our monthly look ahead to the 2012 race for President is a good prism into the conundrum Republican voters face when it comes to Sarah Palin.

She continues to be the darling of conservatives in the party with 79% of them holding a favorable opinion of her compared to 61% for Mike Huckabee and 60% for Mitt Romney.

But when it comes to the general election match ups she loses 30% of the liberal/moderate Republican vote to Barack Obama compared to just 23% for Huckabee and 22% for Romney.

It's a simple reality that Sarah Palin is less electable than a more mainstream Republican candidate would be- GOP primary voters in 2012 may decide their party's fate by whether they vote with their hearts or their heads.


  1. But does 30% of 0.01% make a big difference? ;-)

  2. Palin will only Gain as obama fails.

    if you look at the facts she is just as qualified or more then when obama ran for POTUS.

    If Gas Prices go up again, and energy becomes the top agenda, you can expect Palin to be the overwhelming favorite to win the nomination.

  3. It's time to start voting in some 3rd party candidates. The R's and D's are just a two headed monster. It doesn't matter which head is in charge, it's still the same old policies.

  4. Let us pray America is not stupid enough to elect Palin in 2012. While Obama has not been any prize so far, America deserves better than Palin.

  5. Clearly America deserves better than Obama. And clearly Palin is better than Obama.

    Since the far-left attack squad (the "mainstream" media) has already investigated her and persecuted her so thoroughly, Palin's vote tally is likely a floor and her unfavorables are a ceiling. When the truth comes out, it will be obviously that Palin was much more prepared than Obama... and is much more honest and ethical as well.

    There is no contradiction between nominating a conservative and nominating an electable candidate. Those who PRETEND that Palin can't be elected are the same that would have pretended that George W Bush or Ronald Reagan weren't capable enough to be elected... twice!

  6. If she is elected in 2012, won't she quit in 2014?

  7. Romney/Thune or Romney/Jindal 2012!

  8. I can't believe that there are people in the U.S. that truly think Palin is a viable option for this country. She is an idiotic, conniving bitch. She likes to poise as a "true" American with values and strong beliefs...bla..bla...bla. All bulshit and if you believe it you're dumber than she is. She is the very politician that she is "fighting". Obviously Obama hasn't been able to fix the royal mess that he walked into and might not be the best for the job. She is absolutely not qualified to run for president but I have a feeling that there are enough retards (yeah, I said it) around to put her on the ballot.
