Monday, January 4, 2010

Previewing Connecticut

Well that was certainly the most spirited 'vote on where we poll' to date. The political blogs in Alabama did an impressive job of generating votes for their state, as did a lot of the Republican blogosphere on Massachusetts' behalf. Ultimately the Ron Paul/Libertarian Republicans won out, as they often do on the internet, and Connecticut was the winner because of interest in Peter Schiff's candidacy.

We'll poll the Massachusetts race this weekend unless other polling comes out in the interim indicating that Martha Coakley is going to coast to an easy victory.

But it's Connecticut where we'll go in the field tonight:

-We'll test Chris Dodd against the trio of Republican candidates but we'll also look at how Richard Blumenthal or Chris Murphy might do as a Democratic alternative.

-We'll look at how Ned Lamont and Susan Bysiewicz do against Michael Fedele and Tom Foley for Governor. Sorry we can't test all the Democratic candidates but there are too many and at this point Bysiewicz and Lamont look like the early front runners.

-We'll see how Joe Lieberman's approval is doing generally and also what people thought of his actions on the health care bill. Would have liked to get some 2012 stuff in there but the poll is long enough already.

-And we will look at the Democratic primary for Governor with all announced candidates included, as well as the Republican primaries for Senate and Governor with the fields as they stand.

This should come out starting Thursday.

Edit: We also included Dan Malloy in Gubernatorial match ups.


  1. Tom, I thought you did not do primary and g-e polls at the same time?

  2. I will if the primary is more than six months away

  3. I rather see in CT how 3 Dems are doing against their prospective GOP opponents

    I think we can gain 3 seats in CT of all places

  4. Can you poll Blumenthal vs. Dodd in a dem primary

  5. Paulbots are ANNOYING! GAH! Thanks for polling Massachusetts anyways!

  6. Excellent, thanks PPP!

    Even though MA has their special election coming up later this month, CT as a whole is more interesting with the Senate race, Governor race, and the fallout from Lieberman's maneuvers.

    I'm a Peter Schiff supporter in Connecticut, but do not expect Schiff to do as well as his opponents in polling this early. It is important to keep in mind that this will further expose voters to his name and provide a good benchmark that we can measure against in later polls to measure the effectiveness of the campaign as it gears up.

  7. Just want to say thanks for polling Massachusetts as well. Love your work!

  8. Hey Timothy,
    We are not Paulbots. We are people just like everybody else!

  9. Hey, I don't think you're being fair to Dan Malloy if you don't include him in your head-to-heads for governor.

    Yes, Dan might not have the breadth of name recognition that Susie and Ned enjoy, but he did win the convention last cycle, (yes, Malloy was the endorsed candidate), and he was just a percentage or two away from winning the primary against DiStefano.

  10. I look forward to it!

    And thanks for your recent polls in Kentucky, as well.

  11. Rasmussen is polling MA tonight. Are you still going to do it?

  12. Depends on how close he finds it. If he has Coakley up by 5 we'll definitely still poll it. If he has her up 15 probably not.

  13. Hi, are you guys going to poll the Republican Primary between Schiff, Simmons, and McMahon?

  14. What about putting Shays in the mix for Governor? That might make it interesting.......
