Friday, January 15, 2010

Republicans who cheat

Republican voters raised holy hell about Bill Clinton's extramarital affairs in the late 90s but when it comes to their own politicians they seem to be a little more forgiving:

-John Ensign's approval rating with Nevada Republicans is a 68/19 spread and he gets 77-82% of the vote from his party when tested against potential Democratic opponents.

-When we polled David Vitter last summer his approval with GOP voters in Louisiana was 62/19. You could make an argument that his constituents were separating his actions in office from his personal life- except that his favorability was even better at 64/20! And he pulled 74% of his party vote against Charlie Melancon.

-Republican voters in South Carolina are less forgiving of Mark Sanford, but our poll there last month still found him in positive territory at a 50/34 approval. And beyond that 58% of GOP identifiers said Sanford shouldn't resign with 75% opposed to his impeachment.

Cheating on your wife is a deal breaker for Republican voters- but only if you're a Democrat.


  1. very good article, thank you for your post

  2. Did any of them lie under oath in sworn deposition testimony? While serving as a high executive branch official? Because, if memory serves, that's what Bill Clinton was impeached for...

  3. What lie was he impeached for?

  4. You mean 'which' lie..... Btw Obama is making me miss the Clintons.
