Monday, January 11, 2010

Taking suggestions

Ok another busy week at PPP. We're taking your suggestions on three things:

1) Who should the fourth Republican be on our 2012 poll this month? Open to anyone but Ron Paul or Tim Pawlenty because we did them the last two months. I'll take nomination for a day or so and then put it to a vote.

2) Outside the box questions- in August we did birthers, in September do you think Obama is the anti-Christ, October do you think Obama loves American, November do you think ACORN stole the election, December would you rather have Obama or Bush...what are the off beat questions the more staid pollsters won't ask? We will if we like your ideas,.

3) And time for the monthly North Carolina poll...what should we be looking into besides the obvious stuff?

Always appreciate the good ideas people give us


  1. For the NC poll, you should poll about NC Senate Minority Leader Phil Berger (R) and see his favs/unfavs and see how he might stack up against Gov. Perdue. He seems like he might be angling for a run against her in 2012.

  2. Please poll Dick Cheney.

    As for offbeat questions, how about: "If Republicans take back Congress this fall, should they make impeaching President Obama a priority?"

  3. Newt Gingrich or Mitch Daniels.

  4. Ron Paul should be on, but if not him I think Mitch Daniels would be interesting to see up there.

  5. REP Paul Ryan R-WI

  6. Poll Liz Cheney as a possible GOP presidential candidate.

    I like the impeachment question Rich Bradley suggested.

  7. Do voters think that Obama is liberal, moderate, or conservative?

    Is there any interesting polling that can be done on Democrats who voted for both the Stupak Amendment and the health care bill? I'm also interested in seeing polling on Stupak's reported interest in the Michigan governorship at some point in the future.

  8. Oh, yeah, I realize that last bit doesn't answer the questions you posed, but I wanted to toss it out there for future consideration while it was on my mind.

    As for more off-beat questions, if you're looking for outrageous stuff that gets publicity, ask people if they think Obama should decline to run for a second term?

  9. With the talk of bailouts, and out-sourcing, how about this:

    "Which Automotive company do you most prefer to buy from?"

    - Ford/Lincoln/Mercury
    - General Motors
    - Chrysler
    - Toyota
    - Honda
    - BMW
    - Other

  10. 4th republican - NH Senator Judd Greg

    Out there question - Do you think we are safer under Bush or Obama?

  11. Poll Glenn beck .

    Ask about gay marriage in NC

  12. Ask

    1) Do you support an audit of the Federal Reserve?

    2) Do you support ending the Federal Reserve?

  13. Rudy Giuliani told Larry King this past week that he may make another run at the White House in 2012.

  14. NC poll question: In 2012, would you vote for Obama or generic Republican?
    Also, I second the suggestion about Berger and I suggest also testing McCrory against Perdue.

    thanks for taking suggestions

  15. The only problem with including Glenn Beck is that he's a registered independent, as he constantly points out, and thus doesn't really qualify as a 4th "Republican." As for who should be included, I say Petraeus, assuming he belongs to that party.

  16. 4th Republican: Gary Johnson
    Offbeat question: Do you support the right of a state to secede from the Union?
    If a state seceded from the Union, would you support taking military action against that state?

  17. For North Carolina:

    Please do poll the Dem. Senate Primary.

  18. Gary Johnson as fourth GOP candidate.

  19. 1) Jeb Bush as an alternative
    2) Do you think that the Federal Government should require people to buy health insurance if they don't have it already?
    3) If NC had to vote all over again for 2008 US Senate, would you vote for Hagan or Dole?

  20. gary johnson, petraeus,thune,giuliani or Charlie Crist :)
    or Rubio :p

  21. Another offbeat question idea -- Under which President have there been more domestic terror attacks, George W. Bush or Barack Obama? Let's see if the bizarre Giuliani/Perino talking point is carrying any weight with anyone.

  22. Don't poll Dick Cheney. He won't run.

    For NC ...

    Poll gender-based voting. Generic female democrat vs. generic male democrat in the primary.

    Or poll bios without names. 30-something male army vet and former state senator, first woman elected statewide in NC, African-American Atty. and Harvard Law graduate. See how Cal's money will move his poll numbers.

  23. unfortunately no one knows Gary Johnson yet. he is great on the war on drugs, but we'll have to build name recognition before polling.

  24. Do an off the wall question about the current Conan/Leno situation? Who would the country prefer to see at 11.35?

  25. Outside the box - Can respondents name the Speaker of the House. Senate Leader?

    Name ID Pelosi and Reid if necessary.

    I bet in NC it's low ID. Yet, screaming about Pelosi and Reid seems to be all the Republicans got, what with Ted Kennedy dead and all.

  26. There has never been a poll on whether people think fertility doctors should be allowed to try to conceive a biologically-related child for two men or two women.

    I think that wording, with the mention of fertility doctors, brings up the scene and the issues involved better than asking about a gay couple's right to attempt to conceive together in a general way that leaves out the labs and scientists and technology involved and might just express sentimental feelings.

    You should also ask if people have heard of Kaguya the mouse or knew that scientists had created fatherless mice.

    And ask their opinion on designer babies, transhumanism, postgenderism (whether they think it would be good if science enabled future people to "escape" gender and not be limited to being one sex or the other).

  27. Ask whether they believe Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attacks?

  28. Please poll whether conservatives and/or Republicans would prefer Osama bin Laden to President Obama.

  29. In the meantime, there is now serious chatter out there about Dick Cheney actually making a political comeback. Some poor jackass even recently suggested that Cheney/Palin would be the ideal Republican ticket three years from now. Honestly, how mentally deranged would a human being have to be to come up with that combo? I can just see the campaign posters:


    Oh, please, fate! That would be a dream come true! Not even the American people would be silly enough to go down that road. Could it actually happen? Alas, probably not – my luck has never gotten that good and probably never will. But what a treat it would be, huh? I could get an endless supply of material out of a campaign that weird to keep me quite busy you may be sure.

    And what if they won? While it would be a disaster for my fellow country men and woman, for someone like me whose vocation is mining the streams for these choice nuggets of unintentional political humor, that would be like winning the freaking lottery, are you kidding me???

    BUT WAIT! IT GETS BETTER! Two years into his term, President Cheney drops dead from a massive stroke while shooting ducks that have been strategically placed in the White House swimming pool by the Secret Service. In less than an hour SARAH PALIN IS SWORN IN AS THE FORTY-SIXTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! By this time I am beside myself with disbelief at my good fortune! “I’ll never have to touch a computer keyboard again as long as I live!”, I am telling everyone within earshot, “These things will just write themselves!”


    But of course this is merely a wishful daydream on my part. As the heroine of the long-forgotten Broadway production “Sky Scraper” once musically asked:

    Why in the world would anyone look askance
    At an occasional fight of fancy?

    Tom Degan
    Goshen, New York
