Monday, November 29, 2010

Palin not seen as electable

Sarah Palin might think she could get elected President in 2012, but few Americans agree. Only 28% of voters in the country think that Palin is capable of defeating Barack Obama while 60% think she is not and 12% aren't sure.

What might be most troubling for Palin within those numbers is that less than half of Republicans think she's capable of beating Obama- 48% think she would be able to, 37% think she would not be able to, and 15% have no opinion. Republicans continue overwhelmingly to like Palin- 67% have a favorable opinion of her- but a pretty large number of them have serious electability concerns about her.

Many GOP voters who admire Palin may be left having to decide whether it's more important to them to defeat Barack Obama or to help advance her political career and that may prove to be too high a hurdle for her to overcome.

At the same time these numbers also suggest a risk of complacency for Democrats if Palin were to win the 2012 nomination. 82% of them say they think Palin's incapable of beating Obama to just 12% who think she could. Palin trails Obama by 9 points in a hypothetical contest right now. That's a lot of ground to make up in the next two years but if voters continue to be unhappy with the state of the economy and Democrats take an Obama/Palin match up for granted something unexpected could happen. If Palin does win the nomination Obama will need to find a way to convince his troops to work as hard as they did in 2008 anyway and not leave anything to chance.

Full results here


  1. Blah Blah Blah. And now from DailyKOS pollster: The moon has, on occasion, been full. Let's cut to the chase: You are the pollster for a left wing site, and you have a meme to push. We all know you can jigger polls to get a result that will please your readers.

    If and when Gov Palin decides to run, she will have the opportunity in 2011 & 2012 to demonstrate, in debates and on the stump, whether she is up to the job. What a partisan pollster has to say 2 years beforehand means nothing.

  2. I second what Smooth Jazz has to say and would add, RUN SARAH RUN!! This recovering LIBERAL would vote for you again in a heart beat! Why? Because you HAVE one!! Simple as that!

  3. What were the % of people that thought BO could win the Presidency 2 years prior to the election?


  4. Smooth Jazz

    Way to Go!

  5. All this lib sturm und drang concerning Palin's unelectability is beginning to sound a bit like whistling through the graveyard. According to the PPP's, DailyKOS', Politicos, MSLM, and network 'news' out there, Palin's an idiot, incapable of tying her shoelaces let alone of winning the presidency. They've said it and keep on saying and saying it and saying it to the point methinks you bitches doth protest too much. If anything is clear, the left deeply fears a Palin candidacy, all indications to the contrary. In the big picture, I don't think it matters who runs against Obama in 2012 - he's tanking so quickly it looks like the late 1970s all over again. Obama can't even be sure he'll survive his own party's primary process, lol.

  6. She's a quitter and there's no way she can ever live that down.

    In the midst of the worst financial crisis in living memory, Sarah Palin just up and quit, and ditched her home state to go cash in on a reality TV show instead of fulfilling her sworn duties and completing even a single term as Governor.

    Her job was too hard and she just couldn't be bothered to do it anymore. Sorry, but there's just no way she gets around that. She can't be trusted.

  7. Americans have always been in love with vindictive reality show stars who didn't finish their terms as elected governors. I mean, have we ever elected a POTUS who _didn't_ fit this prestigious profile? Evar?

    Washington. Lincoln. Teddy Roosevelt. You name 'em. All reality show stars. All quitters. All had their own TLC shows where viewership dropped by 50% after the first episode.


  8. Sometimes I wish McCain/Palin would have won in 2008, since that dumb bitch would have quit by now and been out of our lives.

    So would have Palin! Also. Too!

  9. palin supporters are nuts, its amazing how they find comment threads everywhere to fill up. at least ron paul nutsos were friendly about it.

  10. The more people see of Palin, the less they like. She appears to be mean, petty, and thin-skinned, not to mention willfully ignorant. The shrill voice doesn't help. To make matters worse, she probably likes Kenny G.

  11. I am smiling at the stupid lib comments. You libs fear Sarah Palin to to point of mental illness. "NOT ONE OF YOU" has accomplished 1/100th of what Sarah has so far. Hey libbies get ready to move to Canada or even better Iran because under PRESIDENT SARAH PALIN you putrid life is going to be even more miserable. ROFLMAO

  12. Dear Bill Carpenter, Sr.

    Whoa there old dude! Judging from your rage level you're smack-dab in the Sarah Palin love-fest age group: plump, white men 57 and over. Now go drink some warm milk, put on some Kenny G (conservative's favorite music maker, not overly challenging to tap your toe to) and chill, before you pop a valve.


    Your Doctor

  13. Smooth Jazz,

    "she will have the opportunity in 2011 and 2012 to demonstrate...."

    She's demonstrated that she'll quit halfway through (being only a part term governor because she was suddenly out of the lime light), so you'd best hope she starts late in the race......

  14. Hey Bill Carpenter -- you're every bit as dumb as Simple Sarah.

  15. "ROFLMAO"?

    Uh oh, the jig's up, gang! Our dull recitals of fact and history can't hope to stand up against the cleansing power of typed-out fake laughter. Best call it a day.

  16. under PRESIDENT SARAH PALIN you putrid life is going to be even more miserable

    Well, at least you got that right.

  17. She already flamed out last year. Republicans can run her out of spite because they can't get over the 2008 election result but they'll just get burned.

    There's a reason she hides on Fox News and Twitter: she can't "man up" as she likes to say, and face a tough interview on live TV like any normal candidate.

    This will be a crippling liability in 2012. She's out of her depth, boys.


  18. Hve you looked at the polling data for Obama? His approval rating has been absoloutely steady for months. No matter what happens. You either like what he is doing or you don't.Only 5% are undecided and they flip flop back and forth. The media loves to play up the flipflop-it's tiny. Know Sarah's aproval rating and where it is going - no where but down as a politician. Up as a TV star.

  19. From the perspective of 2010, Palin might not SEEM electable in 2012. I initially thought she'd be better to WAIT & face off against Hilary in the 2016 presidental race. By in politics, so much can change overnight; never say never. I feel she had Romney in mind when she said on Good Morning America she'd jump into GOP nomination fight only if other contenders weren't electable presidental candidates. I think that's a big mistake; better she consider running on 2012 GOP ticket as Mitt's VP running mate. Why? If GOP convention were held in 2010, Romney would probably get the nomination. Same thing in 2012, since Palin's experience on the national level isn't sufficent yet,to be a viable & electable GOP presidental candidate herself in 2012. The operable word here is "yet". But if she spent 8 years in a Republican White House as VP (assuming Romney was elected President)then she'd have time to be properly groomed to learn the art of statesmanship & the necessary skill sets to run herself in 2020. Romney is electable only with a strong VP running mate. Look around, who else is stronger than Palin to be his GOP running mate? Combining their strengths, they'd be a very formidable GOP ticket. That's assuming Romney's frail male-ego even allows him to entertain Palin as his running mate. If they're successfully elected then VP Palin would need to avoid overshadowing President Romney. That's where Palin has to be patient & keep the bigger goal mind for 2020. Done properly, then 2020 is a better bet than 2012 for Palin to be elected President. It's only my guess, but I doubt Sarah would have Lisa M. as her VP running mate on that 2020 GOP ticket!

  20. One word to describe her - PHONEY

  21. You right wing dummies should take a serious look at your greedy selfs. You don't like people you hate innovation you hate life, money is your only measure of success. Why don't you people die and leave humanity to humans. Rob
