Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Jon Huntsman's Supporter

As I tweeted earlier today one Iowa Republican on the poll we will release tomorrow said they would vote for Jon Huntsman if the election was today- not 1% but one respondent, period.

Here are some facts about Huntsman's supporter:

-He is 'not sure' when it comes to Barack Obama's job performance- doesn't approve or disapprove. He reports having voted for Obama in 2008.

-Huntsman is the only potential Republican candidate he has a favorable opinion of. He expresses 'no opinion' about Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, Chris Christie, Buddy Roemer, Rick Perry, Fred Karger, Paul Ryan, and Gary Johnson. He has an unfavorable opinion of Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty, Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Donald Trump.

-When it comes to the general election he would vote for Romney over Obama, but he would vote for Obama if the GOP nominee was Palin or Cain. He's undecided about match ups between Obama and Gingrich or Pawlenty.

-He does not consider himself to be a member of the Tea Party, and thinks Obama was born in the United States. He describes himself as 'somewhat conservative,' is between the ages of 46 and 65 and lives in the northeastern part of the state.

I imagine that's everything you could care to know about the one Jon Huntsman supporter we found in Iowa.


  1. I take it you polled data for Bush, Giuliani, Christie, Roemer, Perry and Ryan?

  2. Favorabilities for that group, they weren't in any horse race questions.

  3. Cain gets 15%, and Huntsman gets...1 person. I don't think the media coverage is accurate here, folks. The GOP is far too conservative for Huntsman. He doesn't stand a chance.

  4. I've heard of microtargeting but this is out of control (har har).

  5. Poor Iowans. They get barraged by polls pretty much 2 years out of 4, not only for the primaries but also for the general as Iowa is a swing state. As an American expatriate voter living in Japan, I'm never going to be polled. Ever. FWIW, I'm voting to reelect Obama in 2012. So there.

  6. Jon Huntsman is just way too sane for today's Republican Party.

    The media trying to push these middle of the road candidates is being unrealistic.

    The GOP of the Obama era is absolutely nuts. They are not going to nominate someone who has some moderate views and who worked in the Obama administration! It's preposterous to even entertain such a notion.

  7. Are there ethical issues with reporting this level of detail about a single individual? Mightn't they be identifiable?

  8. Interestingly, this guy sounds like me - except for the state, the gender and being "undecided" about Gingrich (no way). And I consider myself in the "sweet spot" of indie voters that ONE of the candidates needs to win. Too bad the GOP primary voters will never elect Huntsman, as I believe he's the GOP's only hope for beating Obama in 2012.

  9. "Are there ethical issues with reporting this level of detail about a single individual? Mightn't they be identifiable?"

    Lol, do you plan to call every single male between the ages of 46-65 that live in Northeastern Iowa to try and find him?

  10. If my dad hadn't just turned 66, that description would have fit him to a T. I'm half-curious now to call him and see what he thinks of John Huntsman.

  11. I consider myself a conservative on fiscal issues and moderate/liberal on social issues since I don't think they fall under the providence of government.
    I live in Kansas, and unless Paul Ryan gets in the race I intent to vote for Huntsman if he does.
    I'm a registered Independent and appreciate Huntsmans moderate bipartisan stance and feel he will do well against President Obama.

  12. I want to buy this guy a beer.

  13. Huntsman, loves tax and trade,massive deficit, stimulus no problem, Obama a 'remarkable leader' I am shocked even one vote from GOP.

  14. I can't wait for this generation of old white people to die off.

  15. This guy you're describing is ME - minus the age range. I'm a 20-something professional in Des Moines who has worked as a staffer on campaigns before, and have actively reached out to the Huntsman "campaign" to hire a core group here. Huntsman is my guy as of right now, although I know he won't gather any support in the caucus here.

    Businessman + Governor + Diplomat + Good Policy + Sanity + Money = Apparently having no shot in Iowa.

  16. imo Huntsman should campaign in Iowa, emphasizing that he's against ethanol subsidies (he is) AND ALSO gas and oil subsidies. Which is why the ethanol subsidies have been needed. If he campaigns on a flat and level playing field in business, taxation, etc, he'll be the standout candidate.
