Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Even Griffith's numbers down

You know how bad things are for Democratic political figures these days? Even Andy Griffith's poll numbers have seen a significant decline in the last 2 years.

Our latest North Carolina poll found Griffith at 44/22 in the state for a net favorability of +22. That represents a 25 point decline from June of 2008 when Griffith was at a net +47 (56/9.)

There's not much doubt that it's Griffith's forays into politics, most recently in support of the health care bill, that are driving down his poll numbers. His 53% favorability with Democrats right now is only slightly down from 57% in the June 2008 poll. But with Republicans he's dropped all the way from 57% to 35%. He's only barely on positive ground with GOP voters, as 31% of them see him unfavorably.

Of course Bev Perdue, Kay Hagan, and Richard Burr would all die to have Griffith's poll numbers. They may be down but North Carolinians still like him a whole lot better than any elected official in the state.

Full results here


  1. Thanks - now I have that annoying whistle stuck in my head. Though that's better than Griffith's character obsessing about his nightmares of male rape in Billy Bob Thorton's movie Daddy And Them.

    Still, I can't imagine Andy Griffith cares what his approval numbers are.

  2. "Still, I can't imagine Andy Griffith cares what his approval numbers are."

    No, but Bev Perdue and the state Democrats do.

  3. Now if the North Carolina Republican Party can promote from within a man named Otis Campbell to lead the NCGOPers...

  4. Falling approval ratings is what happens when you support leftists tyranny against the values of the American mainstream.

  5. Does PPP not poll politicians who are currently running for office?

    Griffith? Perdue? Hagan? Obama?

    Who Cares?

    What a waste.

  6. I feel sorry for Andy. He must be getting senile to support something as anti-American as Obamacare.

  7. Now that Griffith has spent his popularity trying to get people to accept the Obamacare disaster, he will not be effective the next time the Democrats need him to lift them out of a hole. Gimmicks like Griffith's are a one-shot deal. Now he's just another political hack.

    I sure hope it was worth it, Andy...

  8. "Does PPP not poll politicians who are currently running for office?"

    Do you read our blog?

  9. The only ones fooled by these left-leaning actors are left-leaning fools.

  10. Griffith once said on Letterman that he was a proud Democrat. I guess he really is a courageous man. Or obtuse.

  11. ""Does PPP not poll politicians who are currently running for office?"

    Do you read our blog?"

    My comment was intended for this poll, this thread, of course that is why it was in this thread. It was not directed toward the blog.

    The poll would have gained just as much information as to the political mood of NC. and been far more useful had it targeted politicians who are running for office.

  12. How is Aunt Bee polling?

  13. What does he care, he likly wont live long enough to get any "care" from obama-care. And he probably only read the scrip, and not the bill.

  14. Griffiths was fine as Andy Taylor. Matlock was a boring clone show for old people. He really lost my favor, as did Opie and Fonzie, in their Bush attack spot in 2008. When will these turkeys realize that they are ticking off half their fans when they voice their ignorant, pander-to-Hollywood opinions?

  15. Polifrog, my point in asking if you read our blog is that almost everything we poll has to do with some horse race. We always ask the favorabilities and job approval ratings of those who are running for office.

  16. I saw the commercial for Obama that Griffith and Ron Howard did the week before the 2008 election. Kinda coincides witht the drop in his approval ratings since then

  17. I can't hold this against Andy. He been a positive influence in this country for a long time.
    We need to take into consideration his age, and that he may just have gotten bad advice when it came to this PSA.

  18. He's done some good acting, but Griffith has been an extreme leftist for a long time. No surprise here.

  19. 50 years ago, Griffith starred in the classic, A FACE IN THE CROWD. A film that detailed the rise and fall of guy who goes on tv and in a sweet, old fashioned ways, convinces people to act like fascists. Sort of like Glen Beck does today.

    Andy is a strong Democrat and a proud progressive who is doing his best to help the older people of this country to understand that as usual the Republicans have been lying to them about health care.

    And if this means that some of the people of North Carolina think ill of the man for doing so, well that says more about the people of North Carolina than it does about Andy Griffith.
