Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Palin's Standing

If you want to know how much Sarah Palin's prospects for ever being President were hurt by what happened in Tucson and the way she responded to it consider this:

-In 15 states where we polled the 2012 Presidential race between November and the incident in Tucson Palin trailed by an average of 14 points. Barack Obama had won those states by an average of 8 points, so Palin was running 6 points behind John McCain's performance in 2008.

-In 12 states where we've polled the 2012 Presidential since the Tucson incident Palin has trailed by an average of 10 points in states that John McCain actually won on average by 3. So she's now running an average of 13 points behind McCain's 2008 showing.

Certainly before Tucson it appeared Palin would suffer a crushing defeat if she somehow snagged the 2012 Presidential nomination. But now it looks more like that would be a loss of historical proportions.


  1. I still pray that she runs and wins the GOP nomination.

  2. Yeah.... we trust your poll, lol

  3. Oh, yes. I am going to believe a lefty polling outfit like PPP. Get real! Stop manufacturing polls to show Palin in an unfavorable light. Obama is a one termer, no matter WHO gets the GOP nomination and no matter HOW much the media props him up.

  4. Palin will beat Obama in 2012 if she is the nominee.

  5. What a contemptible smear job. She had utterly nothing to do with the shooting, nothing. He was a paranoid schizophrenic who had a pre-existing and irrational fixation with Giffords. The leftist media actually managed to pin this on her? How utterly dishonest and pathetic. What an utter disgrace the modern 'journalist' is and no wonder they are so hated.

  6. It's amazing that a smear campaign carried by everyone in the MSM can actually work. The good news is that Obama's goon squads in Wisconsin are doingthe same for his numbers. The sad part is that one is a lie.

  7. Be very careful of what you wish for

  8. So what is the correlation with the Tuscon shooting? Since most people polled rightly responded that the shooting had nothing to do with Palin, it is much more likely that other people entering the race is the factor here.

  9. Be very care ful of what you wish for.

  10. How come none of the Palin posts ask questions that imply she can win? Propaganda works!

    So do integrity, honesty, consistency, love of country, and most of that's been missing onb the right - a willingness to fight for one's principles and confront the evil of the other side. We are no longer talking about minor differences under democracy -we are talking about the possible end of democracy when half the nation wants the government to nmanny state care them and hates God, family and people who do good.

  11. what a joke. give palin 10 minutes in a debate with obama and she'll have him crying like a schoolgirl. all she has to do is go down his long list of lies he has told over the past 2 years.

  12. HOW can a totally unconnected event affect Palin who currently is not a candidate for any office ?
    Pretty meaningless poll.
    Imaginary baloney

  13. Gallup: That electoral map for Obama in 2012 starting to look grim

    "Governor Palin actually leads among moderate Republican and Republican-leaning independents, Republican and Republican-leaning independents who seldom or rarely attend church, and is tied in the East with Romney among Republican and Republican-leaning independents. My theory as to why she’s leading among these groups is that she’s winning libertarians"

  14. Anyone with a pulse can beat Obowmao. Let's pray that it's a real conservative like Palin.

  15. Nice try but no one believes PPP. Palin is the next POTUS. Get used to hearing President Palin. Dumb-Ø is toast. Whoever wins the Republican nomination is POTUS. It's anyone but the community terrorizer-in-chief. No one wants an ungrateful Marxist in this country and Dumb-Ø has shown that he is against the American people.
    Dream on Øppressives

  16. Shame...she had absolutely nothing to do w/the Tucson incident, or the widespread, and general use of violent terminology in politics. Hell, Rep. Mike Capuano (D-Ma.) just told union workers that "'s time to get a little bloody." while pointing to Tea Party protesters across the street from him. Palin's a good person, but more importantly, a strong female conservative, which is the real reason why she scares the left so. After all, they can't allow a woman to find success outside their demented ideology.

  17. Maybe we should wait until AFTER Palin gets the nomination before we really start hammering her. Seems like a good strategic move. We'll just have an avalanche waiting for her (e.g. episodes on "Glee" about Palin, the unauthorized autobios filled with half-truths, the porn movies, etc.).

  18. Maybe it would be a good idea, for full disclosure, if you included this tidbit in front of all your blog posts:

    "Public Policy Polling (PPP) is an American DEMOCRAT Party-affiliated polling firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina. PPP was founded in 2001 by businessman and DEMOCRAT pollster Dean Debnam, the firm's current president and chief executive officer"

    Just a thought....

  19. And PPP worked so hard to manipulate public opinion over a crime that didn't involve Palin, or Tea Partiers, at all. Shows you how easily the public can be distracted by creative polling.

  20. I think she could easily win the nomination. I also think it says something about the media and its ability to change or heavily influence important things like elections with misinformaiton and outright lies. This is what propaganda is used for. And the fact that Palin was connected with Tuscon incident is appauling and the media knows it. The dude what schizophrenic not republican and the media used Giffords to suit their own ends. That is how unethical the likes of Chris Matthews etc. are. Now if you believe them you are stupid plain and simple but you are useful idiots because your ignorance will do exactly what they want it to do. So congratulations America. They tell you vote Obama because he is soooo smart and you do. How's that working out for you? They tell you Palin is responsible for murders a crazy man committed without political motivation AT ALL and you fall for it. Wake up and THINK for yourselves.

  21. Looks like the media met their objective. Dishonestly, of course, but since when does integrity count in the media?

  22. I do pray as well because she will win. All these polls are meaningless. She will be the next POTUS, just watch.

  23. If she is so irrelevant, then why are we still even talking about her? It makes you wonder how relevant all these so-called polls really are!!

  24. Poor PPP...scared sh&^less of Sarah!

  25. Underestimate heer at your peril.

  26. your prayers could be answered soon.

  27. You have to be kidding. Palin had nothing to do with the Tucson incident. It's stupid polls, the MSM, and leftest throwing disinformation.


  28. And B. Obama is now behind a generic Republican with Electoral College strategies looking dismal. So after 36 months of relentless mainstream media attack on Sarah Palin, she loses. BFD. Here in the real world, if people actually get to watch her, she wins. Go find Palin videos of her speeches, you will see, she is formidable. No really, go look. No? well I can't help the willfully ignorant.

  29. Sorry, but these polls change everyday. Something could happen next week and Palin would shoot up in the polls. Like telling Huckabee to go to Arkansas and STAY THERE

  30. Me too Anonymous! It would be a dream come true for Obama and all Democrats really (I think she would be a nightmare for down ticket GOP...)

    The new Gallup poll showing her neck & neck with Huckabee and Romney is certainly encouraging.

  31. I love all of the delusional comments from Sarah Palin supporters that think she could actually beat Obama. It gives me hope that maybe the Republican base really is stupid enough to nominate her!


  32. Sarah Falin just bashed Obama (big news there): she actually said that we should impose 'a no fly zone' over Libya! So we just go into a sovereign nation and take over? They don't want are help! We are not the center of the universe! You dimwit, there are hundreds of AMERICANS trying to leave Libya (and Palin wants to put them in harms way?) But worse is just her plain stupidity. She's irrelevant, she lost the VP, quit her job as Gov, her daughter lost Dancing w/Stars, and she's no more than a facebook mom & twit. THANK GOD THE ADULTS ARE IN CHARGE.


  34. Wow, looks like some teatards got wind of this blog entry and decided to unleash their pseudo-sentient prattle.
