Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Virginia and Wisconsin Question Suggestions

Virginia and Wisconsin were the winners on our vote for where to poll this week.

In Virginia definitely going to do Tim Kaine and Tom Perriello vs. George Allen and Jamie Radtke. Thoughts on any other people to include? Also question ideas beyond the Senate race that you're interested in would be appreciated as well.

In Wisconsin obviously the main focus of the poll will be the current dispute in the state: what neutrally worded non leading questions would you like to know the answers of Wisconsinites to? And we may as well throw some names against Herb Kohl again as long as we're polling the state- ideas on that front?

Any question ideas you have for either state would be much appreciated. And btw, Haley Barbour will be getting John Thune's dedicated spot in our Republican primary polls.


  1. maybe throw Glenn Nye in the VA-Sen poll? or Rick Boucher?

  2. In addition to Walker's favorability, specifically ask about a recall:

    (1) would you sign a petition for Walker's recall?

    (2) matchups against Walker in a recall election, including specifically Feingold.

  3. QUESTION: Tim Kaine said he wouldn't be DNC Chair while governor, but did so anyway. He has also said he wouldn't run for senate. If Tim Kaine were to run for a second office after promising he wouldn't, would you question his character?

  4. Can you test Radtke and Allen in a primary? And what about something to gauge a recall effort in WI?

  5. Wisconsin: Do you believe state and local government employee groups should be able to cooperatively bargain with government leaders for wages, benefits and working environment rules?

  6. Rep. Connolly in VA and Rep. Kind in WI.

  7. I don't think the recall question would make much difference right now since Walker can't be recalled until after he's served at least 1 year. That question could be asked in a later poll if there's still a problem.

    Please continue polling the 2012 presidential race. It will be interesting to see if Palin can hold her lead in Wisconsin and if Huckabee can hold his lead in Virginia. It will also be interesting to see if T-Paw is picking up any steam.

  8. "Do you believe that public sector unions should have right to collectivelu bargain with state for higher wages and more benefits, force state to collect public sector union dues?"

  9. Who would win in a Dem primary between Kaine, Perriello and Bobbie Scott?

  10. Wisconsin is a firestorm right now, and I thought the commenter on another thread who thought now was the worst time to poll Wisconsin was spot on. I don't know what useful information you could get from there. Poll Walker against the ghost of Saddam Hussein or something.

    Hasn't Virginia been polled at least once already? In any case, put Allen up against Kaine. It might also be interesting to see how McDonnell might fare against Kaine or any other Democrat that chooses to run.

    I'm mystified that Connecticut hasn't been polled yet, in spite of being nominated repeatedly, and in spite of the Senate race being one of the more interesting contests of 2012. I think you should just go ahead and poll it anyway.

  11. Rick Boucher is definitely a contender. Would be interested in seeing Mark Warner's numbers.

  12. You may want to ask if they are awayre of candidates in upcoming WI supreme court election.

    Did Walker campaign on stripping pub emp union collective bargaining rights?

    DO you support collective bargaining rights for pub emps?

    Do you believe pub emps should pay more into pension/health care?

    Do you have a fav or unfav opinion of teachers unions?

    A republican senator has proposed a compromise to temporarily take away collective bargaining and then reinstate. Do you support that?

    Scott Walker has said he will not compromise. Do you believe he should.

    May want to ask if they are in districts of Sens darling, Kapanke, and Hopper. If so, do they believe they should be recalled for supporting Scott Walker's proposal to take away collective bargaining.

    A poll by the WMC a while back asked what areas of budget should be protected -- may want to revisit that since education, medicaid ranked highly in that one and are under fire in what's come out about state budget.

    Do you believe that taxes should be raised on higher income individuals as a part of a plan to address budget -- that was also asked by WMC & it got 63% support.

  13. Test some of the more outlandish choices for VA Senate? Doug Wilder. Bob Marshall.

  14. I would recommend polling the big three draft movements in Virginia's Senate race. Kaine, Boucher, and Perriello have all gotten press play and 100+ supporters on Facebook for Senate candidacies.

  15. Is it possible to do some kind of generic legislative ballot in Virginia? With the 2011 state legislative elections there potentially having national importance (as an early indication of how VA, a crucial state for both parties in 2012, is going to vote). Something like "would you prefer the Democrats or Republicans control the Virginia state legislature" or "would you vote for the Democratic or Republican candidate in your area in the 2011 state legislative election?". That would be very interesting.

  16. Ask Wisconsinites if they miss Russ Feingold yet.

    Ask how many would switch their November vote from Walker to Barrett if they could.

    Ask how many Wisconsinites know much of the details about Paul Ryan's Roadmap.

  17. I'd like to see Corey Stewart in the VA Sen race. He has said he's thinking about it.

  18. For Wisconsin:
    "Who did you vote for in 2010 for your state legislator? 1 - Republican, 2 - Democrat, 3 - Other, 4 - Did Not Vote."
    With a follow-up of:
    "If the state legislature elections were being re-run today, who would you vote for?" And the same four options.

    Basically, getting a more detailed look at whether there's any buyers' remorse going on (or non-participants' remorse), and a partisan-preference value for the state legislature.

    Also, "Would you support a recall petition to remove Governor Walker from office early?" It can't happen until November (he has to have been in office for one calendar year when the petition is formally filed, sixty days after it's opened), but it would be interesting to see if he's generated enough of a backlash to endanger the rest of his term. That's about as neutral a way as I can see to ask a question I think would be legitimately very interesting.

  19. Corey Stewart is the one guy who has a chance against Allen in VA Senate race.

  20. For Winconsin,

    How about if voters would be willing to recall the democrats or the republicans if a compromise is not reached within say 4-6 months. If so, which party members would they recall, the democrats, the republicans, or both?

  21. I want 2012 Prez/Senate stuff as much as the next guy, and I know you can't hold respondents for long enough to query everything you'd like, but I would love to see McDonnell job approval and 2013 VA-Gov trial heat w/McAuliffe vs. Cuccinelli.

  22. Some names to match up against Herb Kohl in WI - maybe try Dan Kapanke, state senator and tough opponent to Ron Kind last year. Dems will be targeting his seat heavily next year, so he may see little downside to rolling the dice on a Senate run. Also, you could always try Scott Fitzgerald or, for kicks, Rep. Paul Ryan. Maybe Rep. Sensenbrenner too. Rep. Petri probably has too much of a moderate image to win a statewide primary.

    Matchups against Walker - definitely Feingold, maybe Ron Kind or even Steve Kagen.

  23. It would be great if you could get a geographic break down of support based on congressional district! Obviously sampling sizes would be less scientific than the numbers for the state as a whole, but that would definitely be revealing (especially in understanding where Perriello's unfavorables come from).

    Will you be polling Obama's favorability? It would be nice to be able to crosscheck Obama support with numbers for Kaine and Perriello.

    Also, if you are getting deeper into the polling, questions about some of Perriello's positions on social issues (gun rights, abortion rights) could provide greater insight into his room for success in a socially-liberal suburban dominated Democratic primary.

  24. I would second testing Connolly in VA.

  25. In WI
    1. Would you vote to recall Gov Scott Walker?
    2. If you could re-vote in the 2010 election would you vote for Milwuakee Mayor Tom Barrett or Scott Walker?

    In VA
    1. Poll Terry McAuliffe for Senate.

  26. Possible Herb Kohl opponents from a Wisconson Resident:

    1. JB Van Hollen - Attorney General

    2. Dave Westlake - lost repub primary for senate in 2010

    3. Mark Neumann - lost GOP primary for governor in 2010

    4. Scott Fitzgerald - conservative state senate majority leader

    Only Van Hollen has a chance to possibly get within 10 points of Kohl on election day. Paul Ryan is too smart to take on Kohl. Kohl is the most liked politician in the state. No way Ryan or any other top GOP would risk taking him on.

  27. Ask about legalizing some gambling in VA

  28. Another Wisconsin Question:

    Who would you vote for in 2014:
    Walker or Feingold
    Walker or Kind

  29. Rick Boucher would be a good addition... he's the only other person who seems to have caught any buzz online (of course, there might be a little bias in that choice given where I'm from).

    One other question worth asking given the press this week about McDonnell as a potential VP prospect in 2012. What do Virginians think of their governor running for Vice President?

  30. What about a VA Senate Democratic Primary between Tom Perriello and Glenn Nye. Then poll Perriello against Allen and Nye against Allen. I bet Perriello does better in a primary but Nye does better in a general election match up.

  31. Never mind Feingold...see if Wisconinites miss Doyle yet.

  32. 1. Paul Ryan vs. Herb Kohl
    2. Wisconsin 2012 GOP presidential primary with (and without) Paul Ryan

  33. For Wisconsin: Poll a prospective recall election for state senate.

  34. Wisconsin: "Do you support the 14 state senators who left the state to prevent a vote on Gov. Walker's budget plan?"

    "Do you support teachers taking sick leave to protest?"

    And I'd suggest testing Mark Neumann (former representative, rich, lost against Walker in the GOP primary last year) against Kohl.

  35. Perhaps del. Bob Marshall in VA. He has hinted at running and came very close to upsetting Gilmore in the Senate convention two years ago. I wonder what kind of name recognition he has outside his district.

  36. Ask if people are planning for voting for the 14 who fled the state (i am sure the are in safe seats though). Also how much trouble are the new republican senators in the state assembly in would be interesting.

  37. VA: Gerry Connolly for the Dems and Corey Stewart for the Reps.

  38. In VA, I'd like to see depth of enthusiasm of support for each candidate

  39. Poll approval/disapproval of the law requiring supermajorities to add taxes (aka California v2.)

  40. are you going to be posting anymore polling results?

  41. interested to see gay marriage numbers for both, just as a reference point

  42. Test Obama popularity
    Kaine v Allen
    Periello v Allen
    Boucher v Allen

    Test Kaine, Periello, Connolly, Boucher, and Nye for Democrat primary

    Then test Allen, Radke, Marshall, Bishop Jackson, Corey Stewart for Republican Primary

  43. For Wisconsin:
    - Fav/Unfav of Koch
    - "Do you think corporations have too much influence in the government?"
    - Repeat the question with unions instead of corporations.

  44. Rick Boucher in Virginia
