Tuesday, September 14, 2010


ACORN may not exist anymore but 20% of Americans still think (or at least say they think) it will steal the election to keep Democrats in control of Congress this fall.

That does represent a decrease from last fall in ACORN's perceived ability to steal an election. In November we found 26% of people thought the organization had stolen the 2008 Presidential contest for Barack Obama.

What's interesting is that there's been a significant reduction in concern in Republican ranks about ACORN's influence. While 52% of Republicans said they thought it had been responsible for Obama's victory, just 23% of them think it will bail the Democrats out this fall.

That 23% of Republicans who think ACORN will be influential this time is actually barely higher than the 20% of Democrats who say they think it will keep their party in charge. Perhaps Democratic voters have come to the conclusion that ACORN is their last best hope. Or more likely they gave a silly answer to a silly question. And we're not going to apologize for asking the occasional silly question.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about all this is that only 40% of voters definitively say they think ACORN will not steal the election with another 40% saying they're not sure. I guess a lot of folks are just waiting to see if ACORN's really gone away or if it's just hiding in the bushes waiting for people to get complacent before it makes its move.

Your theories would be much appreciated.

Full results here


  1. My theory is that between 20% and 25% of Americans exist solely by virtue of their "reptile brain", i.e., the brain stem that allows them to breath, their heart to beat, etc.

    They barely use their cerebellum, which allows them to stand upright and appear human.

    They don't seem to have a connection between brainstem/cerebellum and their cerebrum, where intellect and reason reside.

  2. People aren't paying much attention to ACORN when there are so many prominent Republican nuts this year.

  3. I think KaJo has finally hit on the secret to life.

  4. It is a LIE to falsely claim that ACORN no longer exists. Only "nuts" would try to PRETEND the evil scum that made up ACORN has gone away and decided to lead productive lives.

    The evil saboteurs who aided and abetted ACORN continue to lead their assault against America. The left just likes to PRETEND that the evil people (aka the left) has somehow become less evil because their previous schemes have been exposed. EVIL DOES NOT REST. The left has always been evil, is still evil, and will always be evil. (If they ever ceased to be evil, they would repent and join the right.) As long as a political left still exists, it continues to conspire evil crimes against humanity, including voter fraud.

  5. it shows that 20% of people are paying attention and realize how thoroughly evil the left really is.

    The ongoing effort to expose the evil of the left and call sinners (leftists) to repentance must continue.

  6. ACORN dissolved for liability and bankruptcy reasons. The evil saboteurs that made up ACORN still intend to commit evil and must still be vigilantly resisted. Exposing the evil of ACORN was only a first step to a more honorable nation.

  7. CL, are you on any medications or in therapy for schizophrenia? I highly recommend you get some help.

    I'm not joking. Really being serious.

  8. This pretty well sums up Herbie's improperly-medicated mindset. Apparently it doesn't matter that ACORN no longer exists after the Republican fraud managed to get it defunded; as long as he believes it exists, it does! And continues doing such terrible things as... registering voters, identifying voter registration cards that people filled out with joke data for registrars to reject, and helping low-income Americans improve their communities.

  9. Oh, stop it! We all know that ACORN is funded by all these federal dollars which has no accountability. Can anyone vouch for their efficiency in increasing the lives of the community? Don't blame the Conservatives for exposing their inefficiency.

    In a democracy, we need to have balance and check. Even if ACORN is still there, I am sure, each one in the organization is now counting that last cent. That was a success for conservatives and for the country. It is not just few thousand dollars that went to ACORN. It was in billions.

  10. And the warehouse holding all the voting machines for Harris County, Texas, i.e., Houston, just spontaneously combusted at 4:30 am one morning a couple weeks ago.

    Nothing to see here people just move along.

  11. ACORN dissolved after being defunded by Congress, but it did so by splitting up into a number of independent "Organization Formerly Known As ACORN" groups operating in several states.

    Poll respondents who believe "ACORN" will help Obama in the 2012 election probably have these new groups in mind.

  12. ACORN was a great organization. I personally saw members and staff of ACORN do some really great work. Any "conservative" that hates ACORN obviously does not know it and is only going on hype they have heard from Fox "News" or propaganda blogs. ACORN members were protesting the banks and bailouts while the "Tea Party" was still just a glint in its mama's eyes...ACORN had many Republican allies and even more members. But talking heads and the uneducated try to pigeonhole it into a "liberal" group...It was a group of concerned low-moderate income people who fought for things like better neighborhood policing, tenant rights, bank accountability, good jobs fair wages, etc etc. Get your facts straight and stop spreading lies and mistruths, if you don't know, shut up and educate yourself.

  13. The electoral roll (or electoral register) is a listing of all those registered to vote in a particular area may also be used to select people for jury duty. So it sounds like the DOJ has access to all the states electoral rolls . What if they could research each states electoral roll so to find out all the dead, felonious and ineligible voters that are on those list, then give that information to certain Democrats from each state working from there campaign Caucus, etc., and use those names for votes, or maybe even just register them electoral someway. Not saying they would do this. Just wonder if this could be done.

  14. People are just afraid of a lot of things this year. The world is changing but they are not. The free ride is over and we finally ran out of spending other people's money. This is their biggest fear - that they are alone and responsible for their own destiny.

  15. Its already been shown that all statewide chapters of Acorn have merely changed their names but with the same membership. There is no longer a national identity. But they really need only operate at the state level. Yes they are still here and undoubtedly planning shenanigans

  16. Wow, what a nasty little den of lefty filth this article has attracted. Christian Liberty made some strong points, and as usual the best the left can muster is ad hominem attacks. Bitter, greedy, selfish little children.

    As CL said, do you really think all these scheming scum had an epiphany and are now enrolled at ITT Tech? Please. The left is nothing if not masters at an ever evolving shell game of activists, communists, community organizers, race hustlers, and political shills.

    You have no credibility with anyone not on the dole. Our country has settled into a coming civil war between the libertarians and the left which consists of the elite and their welfare case voters. Good luck with that, just as you have failed in civilized life, you will lose 10x harder when the gloves come off.

    Whines, lies, and entitlements don't win wars. Men with guns and conviction do.

  17. 'KaJo' said, " My theory is that between 20% and 25% of Americans exist solely by virtue of their "reptile brain", i.e., the brain stem that allows them to breath, their heart to beat, etc. They barely use their cerebellum,"

    it is the Neocortex where the "intellect resides" (cerebellum has very little to do with intellect). Now that we are done with throwing around words trying to sound knowledgeable, let me point out that only 20% -25% *have* any Neocortex worth talking about. These are the people who learn from past and can objectively evaluate the present---and conclude that there is no way anyone can prevent ACORN from trying to steal 2010. And chances are that they will succeed, because the big boss of ACORN runs the government in DC (and is desperate). The remaining 75-80 % ... they can not be salvaged. Any questions? (Hint: you'll need neocortex to even formulate a meaningful question.)

  18. ACORN exists and has just morphed into something else. You would THINK that everyone, including liberals, would be against voter fraud, but no not liberals. The end justifies the means in their shallow minds. Al Franken was "elected" SOLELY through mass democrat voter fraud and discounting thousands of votes from soldiers, and "discovering" a car trunk full of votes. Legitimate, eh? Despicable.


  19. Right-wing lunatics seem to be out in force today, frothing about their favorite half-baked conspiracy theories their cult leader Beck provided them. ALL-POWERFUL COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS STEAL ELECTIONS, EEEK! Never mind that in the last ten years (including those eight with a Republican-controlled White House) there have been fewer than twenty actual cases of voter fraud in the entire country. Rightards get told by their cult leaders that everyone agrees with them, never pay attention to any other information source, and so have to fall back on kookiness like 'ACORN is secretly conspiring to steal elections!' to explain their real-world unpopularity.

  20. Acorn has simply gone underground, rearranged the furniture , changed a sign or two and is alive and well. Having said that of course they will try to influence whatever they can however they can get away with it.

  21. Obama and the Demoncrats encourage voter fraud as a political tactic. The ACORN name may have been shed, but their evil schemes live on.


  22. If you want to learn the true story about ACORN, read my new book “Seeds of Change: The Story of ACORN, America’s Most Controversial Antipoverty Community Organizing Group” is now available at http://www.amazon.com/Seeds-Change-Controversial-Antipoverty-Organizing/dp/0826517064 and book stores everywhere.

    SEEDS OF CHANGE goes beyond the headlines of the 2008 Presidential campaign and today’s controversies to describe the truth behind ACORN’s massive voter registration drives and how it confronted its internal divisions and a prostitution scandal.

    I explain how ACORN was the victim of a perfect storm that included self-inflicted wounds,but mostly inaccurate reporting by the mainstream and right wing press, an organized attack by the Republican, a gutless response by the Democratic Party, and the election of Obama.

    The story follows ACORN’s people confronting powerful corporations and politicians, as they organize the first fast food restaurant into a union, register millions to vote, turn abandoned building into livable apartments through sweat equity, promote living wages for working people, struggle for affordable housing and against gentrification in Brooklyn, and help Hurricane Katrina’s survivors return to New Orleans. In 2002 ACORN fought to end predatory, subprime mortgages while warning the country against a looming lending crisis.

    My book has been praised by several reveiwers, inclucing William Julius Wilson, author and Lewis P. and Linda L. Geyser University Professor, Harvard University”

    “A must read. … John Atlas’ riveting stories about ACORN gives the reader … an understanding not only of ACORNS’ success in the fight for social justice, but also why its efforts to empower ordinary people is viewed with alarm and have come under attack by conservative and reactionary forces in our society.”

  23. Democrats WILL continue to steal elections. Whether they use the ACORN name to steal elections, or use another means is irrelevant.


  24. Uh, lots of righty conspiracy theorists in this comment section, huh?
