Thursday, March 17, 2011

Palin trails Sheen with independents

We've found a lot of brutal poll numbers for Sarah Palin so far in 2011: down in South Dakota, down in South Carolina, down in Arizona, only up by 1 point in Texas, only up by 1 point in Nebraska to name a few. But this has to be the worst- independent voters say they would support Charlie Sheen over Palin for President by a 41/36 margin. Seriously.

Despite her deficit with independents Palin does lead Sheen 49-29 overall. We also tested Barack Obama against Sheen and the President leads 57-24.

Sheen is one of the most unpopular figures we've ever polled on. 10% of Americans rate him favorably to 67% with a negative opinion of him. The only people we've ever found worse numbers for are Rod Blagojevich in Illinois (an 8/83 favorability spread), Jesse Jackson Jr. in Illinois (a 10/73 favorability), and Levi Johnston in Alaska (a 6/72 favorability). Sheen's -57 spread ties what we found for John Edwards in North Carolina the last time we polled him (15/72).

Sheen's unpopularity is pretty universal across party lines so it says something about the level of polarization in the country right now that Democrats would support him by a 44-24 margin for President over Palin and that Republicans would support him 37-28 over Obama. People may not have any respect for Sheen but they still think he'd be a better alternative than their opposing party's leading figure.

Obviously Charlie Sheen's not going to run for the White House but the Palin numbers are one of the more interesting benchmarks yet pointing to just how minuscule her chance at the Presidency would be even if she did decide to get into the race.

Full results here


I Am Iron Man said...

I just read that more states are considering caucuses for the 2012 primaries because of budget shortfalls. I wonder if this could help lead to a Palin nomination? On the one hand caucuses are probably better for the more organized campaign (Romney?) but on the other hand it's better for very highly motivated supporters (Palin?)

I guess I'm still trying to imagine some scenario where Palin becomes the GOP nominee... it would just be so sweet to watch Obama crush her (and I think it would be very good for the country because it would likely lead to big Democratic victories across the board and a final smashing of the ridiculous "Tea Party" nonsense.)

Unknown said...

What's up with Charlie Sheen? Check out the ultra-factual “A Day in the Life of Charlie Sheen” on The Loop Now.

Mike said...

This is by far the dumbest poll I've ever seen in my entire life...

Anonymous said...

Are you people that obsessed with Palin? Really, this reads like it's from The Onion. What's wrong with you? Is it possible this is a parody on Palin Derangement Syndrome? I really can't imagine any other reason to post this.

Anonymous said...

I think it's actually pretty smart.
You can test candidates against each other all day long, but you're only giving people choices based on how they stack up against their opponent.
Testing Palin against someone who no one would ever vote for President in the history of the United States proves that no one will even take her seriously if she runs.

Also, lighten up guys. PPP often asks for suggestions on what to poll on from their readers.

Anonymous said...

I believe your polls are largely correct but polling Sheen against Palin or Obama is ridiculously and showed idleness or intentional provocation of Palin and her supporters. They ridiculed Obama when he started his 2008 presidential campaign, and he is now our president. Don't write off anyone in America - a country of unparallel possibilities.

allsfair said...

Wow, PPP's on a roll.

Paddy said...

Surely people were just confusing him with Martin "Jed" Sheen

Anonymous said...

It's always fun to watch a left wing nuthouse fall entirely into self-parody.

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please, Republicans, nominate Sarah. Run, Sarah, Run!

FloridaSteve said...

If this country was stupid enough to elect Obama, Nixon, Carter, Bush then this country is stupid enough to elect anyone. If you write off Palin based on this idiotic exercise then you're just as stupid as the rest of the electorate. I mean seriously, if I were presented with this question in a poll I pick Charlie too. More as a goof than anything. Truth is you don't know how good/bad a person will be in office till they actually get there. See the list above.

Smooth Jazz said...

"It's always fun to watch a left wing nuthouse fall entirely into self-parody."

LOL, These guys have really jumped the shark now, headlong into DailyKOSVille, TBoggVille & Dem UndergroundVille. Ask yourself why they would spend money to run a meaningless poll like this: So the KOS kids can sit around drink the Kool Aid and yell Kumbaya.

PPP is increasingly descending into that cesspoll called "Irrelevance and Comical". You know their numbers are hosed and designed to push an agenda when they have Obama winning everywhere but the "independent" non KOS affiliated Daily Tracking polls have him under water.

What a joke PPP has become. At one time, I thought they were trying to become a credible polling outfit. Now, it's obvious they into agenda pushing and appeasing their Liberal sponsors.

Truthtopower said...

Anyone who could defeat Obama is my kind of candidate... Even someone like Trump who I can't stand would get my vote if it means he is the best choice when it comes to defeating the arrogant ignorant man that currently resides in the white house.

Anonymous said...

Finally, a good poll for the president!

Anonymous said...

"I am very angry you did a comedy poll! I am so mad about this!"

Anonymous said...

All right, PPP, here's your next poll:

Barack Obama vs. a ham sandwich that's starting to get moldy around the edges.

My money's on the sammitch.

Anonymous said...

These two comments from different 'camps' totally cracked me up -
"Are you people that obsessed with Palin? Really, this reads like it's from The Onion. What's wrong with you? Is it possible this is a parody on Palin Derangement Syndrome?......."
"It's always fun to watch a left wing nuthouse fall entirely into self-parody."
Of course, we in Alaska are used to people who do self-parody. It seems to be a full time hobby with some of us.

Anonymous said...

Stupidity level = 100.1%

Anonymous said...

This is a significant trend. The tone of the GOP lurched from the anonymous Bushes to the lynch mob led by accusative white women, in order to capitalize on Obama's race. But after 2013 the jockeying is for a big brother- Pawlenty, or a Sheen type.

Anonymous said...

Mr10man says:


I Am Iron Man said...

Smooth Jazz: Gallup has Obama at 51% approval today. Considering how unpopular the Republican candidates are it is very reasonable that Obama has strong leads in the states like Ohio and Virginia.

PPP's polling often shows lower approval numbers for Obama than Gallup's.

One could even argue that because PPP can't poll cellphones that their numbers may be biased towards conservatives (if there is any bias at all.)

PPP has a great track record (far FAR better than so called independent Rasmussen - which is actually a very biased Republican propaganda outfit as proven in the last election.)

Dustin Ingalls said...

"PPP's polling often shows lower approval numbers for Obama than Gallup's."

Yep. We have him at 47%, same as his disapproval.

"One could even argue that because PPP can't poll cellphones that their numbers may be biased towards conservatives (if there is any bias at all.)"

As Nate Silver showed, we had the least bias of any pollster in 2010, but the 0.3% bias we did have was toward the REPUBLICANS.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the dumbest Polls & uncalled for.What has happen to the American.
Don't put Sarah Palin out of the race so early. She has a lot going for her. There is nothing wrong with the old White Fence AND Marriage also raising Kids. Yes her Daughter got PG but a lot of daughter did SO What..I can't say I would vote for her but theirs no one esle out there. Obama has really took us down but he has a year to make it back. So lets wait and see. Sarah's down fall was Joe Miller. How that man is a true loser. One thing is Sarah is out there trying while the rest are setting at home.

jordan said...

Obama took us down? He saved us from the Bush disasters that brought our country to the brink of disaster. I hope Sarah Palin runs, yes, yes, yes. She attracts the nut jobs and they howl her praises to the moon, making her look even more ridiculous than she is. If ever there was a female W, she's it. Americans in general are just not stupid enough to fall for the very vocal Fox-news noise. Independents swing the final elections one way or the other. Obviously they are just showing their disapproval of Sarah, but again I truly hope she runs. Seriously, what's the worst that can happen? Even if by some nightmare she got elected, she'd just quit after a couple of years. And tell us it wasn't quitting, but time to move up to better things. Like Super President!

Unknown said...

I was polled here. It was a lengthy poll, pitting every possible Republican against Obama. At the very end they put in the Sheen Question. I assume it was to get news placement. I voted for Sheen over Palin, because I wanted to express my Opinion that Palin isn't worthy, or serious.

I Am Iron Man said...

The fact that there are people so ignorant as to say that "Obama took us down" really freaks me out. Do they not remember September 2008? It wasn't that long ago.

George W. Bush took us down. Obama is bringing us back up (with the Republicans kicking and screaming the whole way.)

Propaganda's Antimatter said...

Don't write off anyone in America - a country of unparallel[ed] possibilities.
ah. So you're Sheen's campaign manager.
"unparalleled possibilities". That's a piece of weaselly PC claptrap. Here's another piece of winning tbagger claptrap for your campaign - a freebie: "I can see Cuba from the roof of my Porta-Potty™"

(fyi, America consists of more than one country.)

Propaganda's Antimatter said...

Even someone like Trump who I can't stand would get my vote if it means he is the best choice when it comes to defeating the arrogant ignorant man that currently resides in the white house.
Talk about out of the babybottle-warmer and into the fire. Few living humans are (publicly) more ignorant and arrogant than The Dump. Gingrich, Walker, and Bachmann are in the same ballpark.

Propaganda's Antimatter said...

Barack Obama vs. a ham sandwich that's starting to get moldy around the edges.
My money's on the sammitch.

Tbagger logic fail.
Consider these foxfacts:
1. America has been overrun by ExtremistIslamicTerroristIllegalShariaAliens
2. Obama is a BritishIndonesianKeynesianMadrassas citizen
3. The ham in a ham sammitch is made of PORK, not of Patriotic™ yellowcake!

Tbagger conclusion: the ham sammitch chances of wining are poorer than the chance of an underage mule in neal horsley's barn remaining a virgin.

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